All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Nov. 20, 2018

|| || salad, soggy, soothe, burrow, grass-roots.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are the lifeblood of a blog!
Read the comments, and reply to them if you are so moved!


OwenKL said...

Samsson is a star digger, under peoples' lawns.
He works at it all night, then goes to sleep at dawn.
He munches on roots of flowers, and of grasses, too.
His neighbor worms are quiet -- except for the kazoo!

In his burrow Samsson's happy, soothed and snug below.
He may come out for salad -- but it's usually "to go"!
Hunger never worries him, as long as roots are found.
The old coot he lives by, tho, yells, "Get off my ground!"

Once upon a soggy day, the coot tricked Samsson out.
Poured water in his tunnel, with a trap set by its mouth!
To a neighbor, an oncologist, the coot described his role.
The doctor diagnosed, "You've got a really ugly mole!"

Sandyanon said...

Really enjoyed Samssssson's story. Poor guy; did the water get him? Or did he survive to munch another day?

The jumble was pretty easy. Clue words came fast but the solution didn't quite seem to fit, I thought, so it took me a minute to accept it. I get the pun, but not the logic.

Fun anyway.

OwenKL said...

If I'd added another verse, it would have been that he'd been around so long, the coot would miss him, anso released him back into his dried-out burrow. In the first draft of this, I used past-tense, but then realized that would imply he was gone, so changed it to present tense to say he was still alive.

BTW, what you see is usually first draft stuff, with maybe a few tweaks on re-reading it. Today was a complete re-write. Don't know when I've done that in a long, long time!

Sandyanon said...

You must have enjoyed the idea a lot. I would get burnt out after awhile, but you never seem to, Owen.