All hints are in the comments!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sep. 15, 2019 Sunday

|| prune, apart, geyser, impair, stepping (it) up.  || sprain, cloudy, kosher, mascot,
pebble, outwit, took people by storm.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

The palace garden looked so well defined and elegant,
The gardener responsible exhibiting his diligence.
The topiary pruned with utmost care and art,
Fitting with the landscape of which they are a part.

Stepping up his ladder, with his shears in hand,
The gardener, the sculptor, is creating beauty grand!
Imprinted on the bushes are designs and arabesques
So graceful that they take away the viewer's very breath!

In the center of the garden, a reflecting pool,
With an intermittent fountain spray to keep one cool!
A geyser of pure water spurting in the air
So that the heat of day no pleasure will impair.

Sandyanon said...

L love your j4 poem; it so rhythmically evokes a lovely formal garden -- maybe a part of the Versailles gardens. I can almost hear the water gently splashing.

The jumble was pretty easy. Given the letters, I could deduce the last word and the form of the first one, so the remaining letters readily fit in. I do like the juxtaposition of the figurative solution with the scary visual. Scary for the poor employee, that is.

Haven't seen a j6 poem yet, but I'm here early, due to my late night. The clues were easy, with a plethora of that one letter that made it pretty simple to fill in the solution phrase. Kind of funny.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Neat poem, Owen. It reminds me of my favorite spot in our courtyard garden. We don't have anything as elaborate as a "reflecting pool," but we do have a tiered fountain that I love to sit by & read while listening to the water streaming down its sides. The sound will sometimes put me to sleep, which is fine as well.
The J4 solution evokes other projects that require a "breaking in" period. As a young dad I had to learn to put a towel on my shoulder when burping my son, to avoid getting spit-up all over my shirt.

OwenKL said...

Sorry, I ran out of poetry before I got to the j6 last night. I had a story in my head, I just couldn't rhyme it.

About a new Hebrew college deciding on a team name. Not all suggestions were kosher, but they finally decided on the King Davids. The mascot wore royal robes and an over-sized head with a crown on it, and carried an oversized Y-slingshot to shoot T-shirts to the fans.
Their first game was ominously cloudy, threatening a storm. The mascot came out, but a small rock shifted underfoot, and the top-heavy costume brought the student down. As he was carried off the field with a sprained ankle, it took people by surprise that David had been outwitted by a pebble!

OwenKL said...

Old joke: What did David say to his enemy?

"Go lieth down, thou lookest tired." Then he rocked him to sleep.

Sandyanon said...

I Like your j6 story, especially the part about slingshotting t-shirts to fans -- really funny mental picture.

Misty said...

Very cute and funny Jumble #2 story, Owen. I thought I had gotten all the words, but when I tried to format the solution I realized I had written the fifth one down wrong. Once I corrected that the solution sprung right up--and it made for a nice cartoon all around. I liked the picture with the storm on the television screen, and the young woman on the phone, clearly talking to someone about the weather. Is that a cell phone lying next to them on the sofa? And I'd be curious to know what sort of bag the fellow by the TV is carrying?

Liked your burping story, Ol'Man Keith.