All hints are in the comments!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sep. 8, 2019 Sunday

|| itchy, eight, marrow, waiter, worth (the) weight. || unjust, hermit, expire, wizard, impose, tyrant, written in the stars.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

I'm struggling a bit with the J4, so here's the J6 that practically wrote itself, out of order.

The evil tyrant of an unjust Empire,
To impose his will makes a planet expire.
A desert hermit is a wizard in exile.
It's all written in the Star Wars file!

OwenKL said...

And now the poem for the J4 daily puzzle.

Bill had tried to diet, but he'd hit a wall,
So he decided to consult his Magic Eight-Ball!
To get to the marrow of his quest to be thin
He asked, "How many calories should I take in?"

The Eight-Ball shook, it shivered and whirled,
And when it stopped, the answer unfurled:
"Don't count on it." was the cryptic reply.
Bill shook his head, "Now I wonder why?"

He was itchy to know, and just couldn't wait,
So he asked again, "How can I lose this weight?"
It trembled and quivered and twirled and spun,
And it showed an answer when it was done.

Now an Eight-Ball answer is usually terse,
But this one time it showed what it was worth:
"You're a yo-yo to ask about a yo-yo size!
If you want to get skinny, then exercise!"

Sandyanon said...

Wow, Owen, I love the smooth, efficient way your j6 poem incorporates everything. And so compactly, too. Really great.

The j6 jumble itself was not a big problem, although a couple of the clues took a few seconds of thought. And the solution pretty much wrote itself, in combination with those clues and the great cartoon.

The j4 poem has a theme I can surely empathize with, regretfully. The jumble itself was easy and again I can empathize with the solution, though profoundly disagreeing with it. You are really hitting me where I live, today, Owen!

Sandyanon said...

Gosh, Owen,just you and me today? Too bad no one else got to see your two wonderful poems. Thank for them.

Ol' Man Keith said...

You're certainly back in form, Owen, and up to speed. I love the applicability of the 8-Ball's answers--and the concision of the J6 poem.

As a kid, I depended on Muni transport to get around San Francisco for school or play rehearsals. Sometimes on a tight schedule I would experience (of buses) a frustrating Dearth. The late bus was better than no bus, but I could wish the driver has been authorized to write a note to my teacher or director.

Many veteran actors envy child stars--especially those old timers who never got to play the roles they wanted. You can see them in various dives along Sunset Blvd., sittin’ in the bars, drownin’ their sorrows, hopin’ a casting director will happen in--and maybe cast them as souses in their next show.