All hints are in the comments!

Friday, June 25, 2021

June 25, 2021

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| | elder, burro, ornery, canvas, road (to) recovery.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN Wilbur ~ Yes, but in a limited way. I start and re-start Ulysses periodically, never getting as far as I want.
I read Dubliners years ago. I believe I included a portion of The Dead on my old NPR radio show, but it has been so many moons in the past I can't remember exactly which section.

"Code Perissodactory"
The elder burro was an ornery cuss,
while a nearby canvas
said the junior Jackass
wasn't one to raise so much fuss.

Misty said...

"Retired Artist"

Aunt Ethel was a fragile elder
living in a retirement shelter.
The place was a bit like a dormitory
whose folks ranged from classy to ornery.
But Aunt Ethel had a gift for art,
and in many lessons took part.
She painted a scene on a bus,
and created a lovely canvas.
Another scene showed a car being towed
along a road, where it had snowed.
Each painting was a discovery
that enabled her road to recovery.
Now Aunt Ethel is no longer quaint,
but an artist who can beautifully paint.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I'm glad to know of Aunt Ethel's art,
even though she had a late start.
Sometimes seniors show great skill,
though there may be lapses in will.
I'm sure her "Scene on a Bus" was thorough
although she may have excluded the Burro.

Misty said...


It turns out that Aunt Ethel's borough
excluded beasts like the burro,
and I had little time to furrow
a location with entries more thorough.
But, so what, I loved your verse.
though your burro was a little perverse.
Well, not perverse, though didn't he curse,
or at least act obnoxious and terse?

Wilbur Charles said...

OK, Misty is really getting artistic along with her upbeat message.. OMK I like your rejoinder poem. Misty's rhyming in the first four lines shows how she's come along.

Now if I can gain similar proficiency in James Joyce

Wilbur Charles said...

eg, You've inspired me to try my hand later if I can keep from making an Ass of myself

Wilbur Charles said...

Working together Chet and Lois were really buckling down
Though sometimes the elders' orneriness left a chuckling frown
"Those oldtimers", said Chet, are as stubborn as Balaam's burro"
"Horses ass, they may be", rejoined Lois, "But very thorough"

Yes, the expansive canvas of their experience is like the ripened berry
And the wisdom they impart are seeds on the road to recovery


Ol' Man Keith said...

I'm sure you're right,
My burro was a mite
and louder too
more obnoxious by far
than your poem's star,
Aunt Ethel McGoo.

What now? Hello?!
I think your burro
has run to the Corner, our neighbour,
where he's multiplied
and taken in stride
to be a XWD maker!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Good for you, Wilbur,
allowing Chet & Lois to take the high road--in turning their elders' less-than-perfect manners into the basis for an adage of wisdom.

Much appreciated.
If only we could all always do that!

Sandy ~ Are you there? What do you make of today's solution?
Not very cute...
but super literal, no?

Sandyanon said...

Wilbur, glad to see Chet and Lois helping each other on the road to recovery.

Yes, OMK, that solution popped right out at me when I saw the cartoon. Literal and obvious.

Misty said...

Woohoo, Wilbur, you got all of the Jumble words and the solution into Chet and Lois's story! Great to see!

Loved your response, OMK. Only, what's a XWD maker?

Ol' Man Keith said...

XWD = crossword.

Just check out the name of today's creator.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Ce n'est pas si drôle - si l'on doit l'expliquer.

Sandyanon said...

Vraiment, OMK. On ne doit jamais expliquer une blague.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sauf quand il le fau...

Misty said...

Oh, Boroughs--burros--I get it. Thanks, OMK.

Wilbur Charles said...

Did y'all like buckling down
rhyming with chuckling frown

Road to recovery naturally brought out Chet and Lois

I love the story of Balaam's ASS.

I like the message that what we need to pay attention to is what comes from a Horse's ASS

Misty said...

Shouldn't we be polite, and avoid too much sass?