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The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.
"Father's Day"
When Frank his exam did flunk,
his hopes for the future were sunk
and his life, he feared, would be junk.
He had always been a loafer,
as lazy as a gopher,
and now had to work as a chauffeur.
But he was lucky to have a good father
who taught him how to be a potter,
and soon Frank's future looked hotter.
It did seem pretty ironic
that shaping cool pots was a tonic
that made Frank's new art iconic.
Yes, Frank's father became his savior
by doing him such a favor,
and Frank's gratitude never did waver.
Father had helped his bright son shine,
so Frank gave him a banner on-line:
it read, "Dad, you're a hero of mine."
FLN Wilbur ~
Your last "back home" stanza was sweet & neat, a fitting conclusion (if that is what you meant) to this chapter of the Chet/Lois encounter.
I liked its compactness, its clean lines, a fitting wrap-up to mark their "clean & sober" status.
Misty ~
A most suitable odic Father's Day opener from you!
Frank & Dad are a most likable pair, and I have to say your rhyming triplets run trippingly on the tongue!
I admit the opening "did flunk" pricked my thumb, but it turned out to be a well-tuned pointer to how you were going about your good business, taking only that license necessary to shape the entire piece. Good work!
I loved "gopher" between "loafer" and "chauffeur." (It made me think of "gopher" in its jocular sense, as another job, as an aide or "go-for.")
And I appreciated how you worked in the solution without having to strain at all, with Dad helping his "son shine."
Truly an excellent job!
Why, thank you, Ol' Man Keith. Coming from you, this is a wonderful tribute, and I am delighted and grateful! You've made my day!
I had hastily inked BARREN so even guessing BRIGHT I didn't have the N for SHINE.
I had thought of Savoir as in Faire but caught onto SAVIOR in time.
So was today's CC impossible or did y'all stick it out.
Very good poem today, Misty. Clever to use the three line approach.
Chet and Lois hopefully will continue to see each other and go real slow. We had a guy marry a gal who's sobriety date was 2018. He had ten years. She was overweight and very confused when she arrived.
I very unPC remark that the less attractive a new gal is the better her chances. That gal BTW is very attractive today. Her beau said they remained platonic for the year.
So, Wilbur, that's the resolution of Chet's and Lois' tale, a potentially very happy ending. Glad for them.
And no, I didn't give up on the crossword, though I did get help in a couple of spots. A really entertaining idea.
Oh the Redsox were in the lead that September day in '78
They'd been leading most of the game til Dent came to the plate
They could practically see the banner hanging brightly on the Wall
They'd been hotter than a pistol of late, really bashing the ball
But the Yankees had a savior that day and when Torrez threw that pitch
It had gopher written all over it and Bucky nailed it on the stitch.
And wasn't it ironic that Yaz should make the final out
He who'd performed so well delivering clout after mighty clout
Oh somewhere the sun shines brightly, somewhere children play
But the sunken eyes and frowning faces mean it's not the Redsox day
Wilbur, you sent me right to Wikipedia to find out more about that '78 season, only to discover that after beating the Sox, the Yankees went on to beat my LA Dodgers in the World Series 😩😩😩.
I note bits reminiscent of Casey At The Bat in your poem. Fun.
Wilbur, I couldn't imagine what would rhyme with 78--oh, to the plate!
Neat to see how "hotter" and "gopher" and "sunken" would work their way into your verse, but they did--beautifully. And, of course, wonderful that the "sun shines brightly" on this day, making us hope that Chet and Lois had a neat day today too.
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