All hints are in the comments!

Friday, July 13, 2018

July 13, 2018

deity, glint, glossy, tenant, ill-gotten gains


OwenKL said...

Dionysus, with a glint in his eye,
Decided it was time to diversify!
The deity of parties and wine
Would become a landlord -- just part-time!

So he built an up-scale tenement
Ambrosia he mixed in with cement.
Every tenant then would feel
Like a godling at every meal!

He sent out glossy sales brochures
Offering Olympians private tours.
Athena, Apollo, and Artemis
Rented suites, they couldn't resist!

Apollo, who was once so svelte
Soon had to lengthen out his belt!
And the goddesses, thin and sleek,
Soon were verging on obese!

Ambrosian auras from the walls
Enticed their appetites, caused their falls!
At their weight-gains, ill-begotten,
Fat Dionysus reveled -- he had got 'em!

Wilbur Charles said...

I got the four jumbles but the riddle was hidden. I just happened to write down the letters in a different order and there was the middle word .


Misty said...

Wilbur, does the first three letter item start with an N or with an I? I too got all four jumbles, but am still struggling with the riddle answer. Does it have to do with pharmaceuticals?

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty, sorry I'm so late . The 3 letter "pun" has to do with what the pharmaceuticals purport to treat.

Of course the message is that Pharma profits illegally.

Of course the riddle is embedded in Owen's verse.


Wilbur Charles said...

Yes, Misty. It does start with an 'I'


OwenKL said...

No, the 4th word starts with T, but the phrase #5 starts I-G G

Wilbur Charles said...

I lost my post. The 'different' order * was I G L L O S T T E N. And thus I saw it.


* I was mixing order plus at one time I tried TEN for the first word thus it got appended.
I overlooked the A in TENANT . I got Lucky.

Lucina said...

I had forgotten all about the J until reading Misty's post at the Corner Blog. I worked out all the words but have yet to solve for the answer. Must do that.

Lucina said...

This was a rough one. Thank you for your poem, Owen, that finally helped me break through the block and gain the solve!