All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

July 18, 2019

.||.usher, giant, outlaw, pastry, easy to grasp.


OwenKL said...

Being a good Dad can be a hard job to hold.
From that helpless feeling in the waiting room
As a new soul is ushered to this earthly fold,
For you to nourish, and teach, and groom!

A babe so small to hold that you feel like a giant!
Then a petulant child who thinks you're an ogre!
He wants what he wants, and will be defiant
When you outlaw prime desires until he is older!

He toddles on towards the teenage years,
A decade goes by like just moments span.
But you can't take it easy. You grasp his fears,
And help him grow past them to become a man!

Then he's off on his own, and a hard job to hold.
Some day to be Dad, with expectations so lofty.
You meet now as equals, have you grown so old?
You sit and talk Dad things, over pastries and coffee!

Ol' Man Keith said...

My, my.
This seemed simpler than even yesterday's. I can say "-peasy," but mustn't reveal the front part.

OwenKL said...

Online solvers -- a third interface has been located. Check it out at "Simple Jumble" in the list at right!

CrossEyedDave said...


Another puzzle I don't have a clue about!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the link to Simple Jumble at the Chicago Trib. I find it much easier to solve for some reason.

Misty said...

Well, I feel silly. The only theme answer I got was the third one--the others just eluded me. I finally gave up and cheated and looked them up--but once I got them, I had no trouble solving the final bottom answer. At that point, I even got Ol'Man Keith's message to us. Still, I hope I do better tomorrow.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Glad my hint made sense, Misty. Sorry I didn't think to drop any clues for the prelim words.

SwampCat said...

Owen, your Dad poems left me in tears!! Great stuff.

Bill G said...

Hello. I often get stuck on even the five-letter words. Not today. I got the whole thing quickly for a change.

OMK, I can't make sense of your hint??

OwenKL said...

He can only say -peasy because easy-peasy might give away EASY to grasp.

Wilbur Charles said...

I found this one difficult, even GIANT. It must have to do with the the old bean running on REG not hi-test.

Given some letters the riddle was easy enough .

May I hazard the observation that free of Limerick limitations your poetry is indeed inspiring.

Relating four random words is a challenge