All hints are in the comments!

Monday, July 16, 2018

July 16, 2018

.||.sixty, berth, bronco, jingle, big shot.


OwenKL said...

A new "top gun" came to the rodeo
Full of ginger, and raring to go!
They assigned him a berth in the foremost row
For a wild ride on a wild bronco!

They broke from the gate, going like sixty!
A zig to the north, then a zag to Dixie!
A jump and a hump in the air got twisty,
A loud "Yahoo" heard to Corpus Christi!

Horse and man fought the good battle,
Till the air in their lungs began to rattle!
One last big shot at the sky to unsaddle,
Then the bronc gave up, like the meekest cattle!

The ride was ended, and the rider was too.
Just to get down was too much to do.
With his spurs a-jingle, he rode back to the crew.
When asked how he did it, he just said, "Glue."

Lucina said...

You have the most remarkable ability to embed appropriate words into the poem! Kudos!
This BRONCO broke quite quickly for me and didn't have to spend too much time on it and that's a good thing because there is so much to do before I leave. Long ago I went on a three day train ride across the country and had my own berth; it was quite an adventure.
You all have a good time without me this week. I'm looking forward to cooler temperatures.

Lucina said...

I got yesterday's as well with concerted effort on my part!

Ol' Man Keith said...

I hope this page will catch on with more Jumblers. Owen's poetry is both prolific and amazing - and shouldn't be missed by our Corner friends!
Today's J seemed super easy, but only in hindsight. After solving, most of them seem easy. It was the first prelim word that held me up for a while.
Didn't it LOOK impossible? I couldn't get past the River Styx for the longest time, but then the simple solution was a real "Doh!" forehead slap.

Lucina said...

The same with me; I had a hard time shaking the river Styx until spreading out all the letters. Right!

Misty said...

Well, if Jumbles start out easy and get tougher as the week progresses, then this was definitely a Monday Jumble. I actually got the Styx one fairly quickly (I know it isn't Styx), but my struggle, ironically was with the third item. But I got it, and the fourth one fell right into place, and then so did the simple, clear, unproblematic final reveal. I just wish they were all going to be this easy!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Ah, but when they're this easy,
what happens to the satisfaction level?

Wilbur Charles said...

Yes, I had a nine o'clock meeting but I finished in five minutes . I had HOT as the first word and then found the letters wouldn't support it .

I now forget. I can't remember two minutes after solving; I have to write them down .

Sunday was a little slower with six sixes . As Lucina said"A concerted effort .

My comment had a all the answers in cryptic form


Now I'm going to do the simplest Sudoku possible .

SwampCat said...

OMG Owen!!! Your best work is here!! If I don’t do the Jumble may I still come lurk??

CanadianEh! said...

Owen, you must have been watching the finals at the Calgary Stampede with us last night!
I found the Jumble difficult today (especially #4) but DH had no trouble. Hand up for HOT, WC.

Ol' Man Keith said...

HOT wasn't a bad guess, just flat out wrong. I do the same about half the time. The common method of solving these anagrams is to check out the short words first.
[Boring theory to follow:]
Given the context offered by each cartoon, the possible 2- and 3-letter words are limited. They are often articles or possessives, but sometimes (as today) adjectives.
Nouns are least likely (for the short words), although that can trick us up - as with "Z's" a couple of days ago.
But once we hit it right & can set those few letters aside, it is much easier to deal with the remainders.
Thus spake ~ OMK

OwenKL said...

Swamp Cat: love to have you! I don't know how long I can keep doing these longer before I break down, but I do like to keep these puzzle blogs separate. I won't post these poems on CC, won't post those over here, and both are separate from the ones on my jigsaw puzzle poetry blog (which I haven't updated since Valentines).