All hints are in the comments!

Friday, April 10, 2020

April 10, 2020

|| || giant, elite, weakly, intent, "engine-new-ity".       
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

When it came to androids, Gearlock Humms could not be beat!
His positronic brain was the mind of the elite!
So when the corporate giant came to seek his aid
He at once could tell they really were dismayed!

Someone hacked their LAN, their trade secrets getting out.
Something must be done before it became a rout!
The intent seemed to be more a prankster than malicious,
The attempt was weak, but results would be vicious!

Gearlock investigated, then used his ingenuity
To come up with a solution for corporate security.
A custom jamming device adjusted with precision.
Humms invented an internal-comm-busting-engine!

Ol' Man Keith said...

The thirsty geezer looked forward to Friday. It would be the 1st of the month & his pension due! Pity it couldn't be a mite larger, so he could afford a few meals to accompany his bar tab.

Sandyanon said...

Missed yesterday, but I'm here today.

The clues came easily, and once having all the letters, I could see what the first part of the solution must be, which made the rest pop right up.
What a terrible pun, in the best, most punny way!! I loved it.

And I really loved your poem too, Owen, especially the ingenious way you engineered the solution to work it in.

Misty said...

I had a bit of trouble with the third word, so came to Owen's poem for help. A delightful poem, many thanks, Owen. Your Gearlock Humms is a real Sherlock Holmes, isn't he? And he helped me with both the third word and the solution in two different places. Fun cartoon with the guys with different beards and outfits. But what a wild vehicle! Glad I have my 2003 Subaru to still take me around

Ol' Man Keith said...

Welcome back, Sandy ~ Good to see your appreciative words. Yep, Owen's poem is a marvel of ingenious construction. Can't say the J's what-have-you is my type of stretched punniness, but v. glad it works for you.

Misty ~ I envy you can still drive. [Sigh.] I gave it up (& donated my last Jaguar to Kars 4 Kiddies) after I banged two bumpers in one day--plus my own.
No need to tell me twice, although it is tough on my wife who does all our necessary driving in her Toyota Sienna.

Wilbur Charles said...

Bilbo still felt weakly after his eagle born flight
Thorondir dropped the the party off as it was nearing night.
Gandalf had explained earlier that after the descent
He'd look for better lodgings. For it was his intent
To locate Beorn, a giant bear-like man
And cajole his hospitality "Anyway I can".

Now Beorn's habitat was humble not elite
And persuading him to lodge us would be quite a feat
But ingenuity was Gandalf's tour de force
He not only got lodgings, he even got a horse.


Wilbur Charles said...

Sandy, good to see you back. Hope you've been keeping up with Bilbo's travails. He outwitted Gollum, got rescued from evil wolves, goblins and fire by the eagles. And after feasting on eagle prey(rabbits and even a sheep)* is about to continue the quest .

I'm late because of an errand on the other end of town. Betsy wants to plant elderberry bushes and make immunity syrups. God knows, perhaps wine.

Jaunty poem today Owen inspired by yesterday's "Elementary. " I presume**.
And OMK, I have to check my balance but could it be that the$1200(pension) is in there?


* Cooked up by the dwarves, not raw. But Bilbo's getting sick of just meat

*As in Dr Livingston I presume

Wilbur Charles said...

Sorry for "the the". I finally get Preview back and I miss it

Wilbur Charles said...

Nope, it was Ssec come early

Ol' Man Keith said...

Nope. The pensions haven't gone out yet, Wilbur. You will probably get yours in a week, assuming you have direct deposit.
I feel for the poor (!) souls who have to wait for a check. News reports say our Dear Leader wants to sign all the checks personally. so you can figure how long that little vanity will take...

Glad to see that horse in today's final line. A horse is a sign of majesty in a land such as you and JRR have created.
And in ours, I think. Every time we think we've left our equine pals behind (in old-timey "horse-and-buggy" days), I see a guy parading on horseback, or old film of the Queen atop a favorite--"Tommy," maybe, or "Burmese"--and they just look magnificent. Their puny human two legs are lost from view, and their entire bodies are blended into the triumphant silhouette of a powerful man-horse creature.
I suspect that image is so ingrained in us that even the greatest cultural shifts over the next centuries will not be able to erase it.

Sandyanon said...

Hi again. Yes Wilbur, I am following Bilbo's story. Surprised to see the horse today - as a non-automotive substitute??

I have a pretty-well assured retirement income, so if I get a check/deposit, I hope to find some useful place to donate it.

Misty said...

Wilbur, I too loved your poem, and was surprised and delighted by the horse popping up at the end. Wonderful!

Ol'Man Keith, so sorry you can't drive anymore. I drive so rarely--especially now that I'm under lock-down, like everybody, that I have to go out and turn on the motor once a week just to make sure the poor Subaru is still running. I'll have to check my meter, but I believe it's still only at about 60,000 miles--and I've had the car since 2003. That tells you I don't get out much, doesn't it?

Wilbur Charles said...

Yes, I was surprised that whilst the other 14 were on ponies that Gandalf had cadgwd himself a horse. He's convinced Beorn the man-bear that all creatures must unite


Wilbur Charles said...

And... Later in the Frodo Ring saga Gandalf grabs Shadowfax a wobder horse who never let anyone ride him until Gandalf . Gandalf is leaving the 13 dwarves and Bilbo to manage the forest of Mirkwood. Warning: There may be spiders. And, spiders don't like to be called tomnoddy


Wilbur Charles said...

A wonder horse who

Misty said...

I reread your comment about horses, Ol'Man Keith, and found it very moving. I don't think I'll look at horses again in the future, without paying attention to their grace as you do. Thank you for that.