All hints are in the comments!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

April 19, 2020 Sunday

|| newly, award, truant, bamboo, down town. || wallop, author, worthy, pelvis, puddle, wetter, proper way to do it.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

A koala eats eucalyptus leaves
And a panda eats bamboo
And over in America,
A grizzly will eat you!

Now with this panda-demic
That's newly got us frighted
If we feed it bamboo
Will it leave us righted?

We need a vaccination
But research has been truant.
At first it seemed like a flu
But now seems less congruent.

We need a cure that's koala-tea
Like steeped from eucalyptus.
This virus has shut up down-town
From sports awards has gypped us!

If we're not clear of it soon
The consequence is grizzly.
Instead of wanting more time off
We'll want work to keep us busy!

Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN: Wilbur ~ I don't know why I was surprised by Bilbo's speed & agility. I thought of him as rotund and not quite so "Bold" as the little dickens turns out to be.
Good for him (and for you, his chronicler)!
The arachnid critter was easily scotched. I wondered at that. Will he get another life (a la videogamea?), so he can be enjoyed as a truly serious menace?
Many (most?) of us think of spiders as creepy, so it would be fun to see the threat really dramatized. Eew...

Also FLN: Sandy ~ Many thanks for the link to the Register's poetry thing. Interesting how they associate poems with disease--and with idle hands.

OwenKL said...

Every romance author who it worthy of her pen
Knows a sexy wallop must be inserted now and then.
The cover artist needs an excuse to bare a pelvis,
Or a torn chemise to display a bosomy crevice!

Rainstorms are a must, and thunder even better.
Hair must look bedraggled, and t-shirts even wetter!
There's a proper way to do it to stir the base emotions
And turn feminine libido from puddles into oceans!

OwenKL said...

FLN the OC Register contest. Santa Fe also has a contest going, and you can read my entry on my Face Book page.

BTW, Bilbo dispatched one spider, but there were oooodles of them rounding up the rest of the Dwarves!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Yes, I wondered about those other lil' crawlers....

Here ya go ~ both solutions:
Police in some small towns don't earn enough to keep the wolf from the door.
A report going round found that those earning basic copper pay do rue it.

Wilbur Charles said...

Yes, as Owen says there's a whole passel of those creepy, crawly nasty things and they've got the dwarves all nearly bundled up in the tree

Surrounding the tree where the dwarves were hanging
Were the spiders, some on the ground, some dangling
From silken strands discussing their newly nabbed prey.
Bilbo knew he must author a scheme to draw the mob away.

Sneaking up behind he gave a wallop to a spider pelvis
A blow to the ego is something no spider can relish
And hearing names like puddle wetter and bamboo brain*
Put them in a rage. But chasing this truant would be in vain.

For Bilbo wore the magic ring for him a just award
And further and further away from the tree he drew the hoard
While he sped back and quickly slew the sleepy sentry
But rousing a dozen dwarves was hardly elementary .

The first to unloose was Balin.
"Ah Bilbo, you've proven your worth"
Then Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin and Dwalin.
Last of all Bombur, he of the massive girth.

"First", said, Bilbo, "we've got to get you down".
"Anyway you can there's no proper way to do it
And once off the tree we'll need all our wits
Because we're in the midst of Spider Town."

*In the original it was Attercop and Tomnoddy


Wilbur Charles said...

As you can see I combined the 4*4 and 6*6 plus solutions.

Wilbur Charles said...


Sandyanon said...

I love all the poetizing on this site. Owen, I do admire the way to you can sneak in topical issues (j4) in such ingenious ways. Panda-demic indeed! And I just knew how that fourth j6 clue would get you going. Wilbur, how you can work in all those words when you're limited to an existing story is a real wonder.

The jumble themselves were fine. For me, both funny solutions were clever and amusing.

Misty said...

I only get the second Jumble with the teacher instructing her students on capital letters, and found it a total delight. I actually had a bit of trouble with two of the Jumble words, but Owen's second poem was a huge help, and also gave me a great start on the solution. Love the example the teacher put on the board with the "prince" as opposed to "Prince Harry." Fun Sunday Jumble, and always fun to read all the poetry and glosses and comments on the blog. Great start to a pleasant day, thank you, everybody.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Ah, now I see the potential for the spider horde.
I really like the insults, Wilbur! "Puddle Wetter" & "Bamboo Brain" give this reader a sense of what spiders find offensive; it gives them personality!
What will the rest of the arachnids do?
It gives me goose bumps to think of some crawling down Bilbo's neck or up his pant leg. Kack! Or maybe you have something even creepier in store? Garrg.
The larger the fear & greater the threat, the more heroic the victory!

Congrats on how you included the solutions!
I see we both combined them in one post.
I took it as a kind of challenge and was glad to squeeze both my hints into 11 words in a single sentence.
A personal best for moi.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Owen ~ The cheeky humor of your pieces today is what stands out for me. Your opening stanza is priceless. The contemporary slant is worthy of a Times reporter.
Thank you again & again for all you do for us!

Wilbur Charles said...

OMK, Bilbo and the dwarves were attacked by a horde(oops misspelled it in the poem) of GIANT spiders. And Bilbo got them all riled up but (spoiler alert) there comingggg baaaack!

Also, Bilbo hasn't been eating and a lean hobbit is a nimble, furtive critter.

And I mentioned a "dozen" dwarfs. Guess who's missing? Tune in tomorrow

Misty, something tells me that spider talk is not your Boston Cream Pie. That's why JRR put than into his tale. And in LOTR Frodo and Sam run into Shelob, the gran-mama of all spiders.


OwenKL said...

Re today's Jumble cartoon, if you're not familiar with Frozen, you may have missed the connection. It focuses on two sisters, Princess Elsa and Princess Anna. Elsa is born with immense magical power over cold, but must keep it secret because it's a non-magic kingdom. So when their parents die the elder girl becomes Queen Elsa. But when her power is revealed, she goes into exile to become the Snow Queen.

Ol' Man Keith said...

WC ~ I hope you're not hinting that Bilbo's hunger leads to a craving for spiders! Not an appetite I find appealing.
Mygalomor-munchies? Oh, No-oooo! Sphordros-snacks?! Ga-aag!!
Misty ~ Please save me some of that Boston Cream....

Ol' Man Keith said...

The fancy menu said “Spider,”
But she couldn't stand arachnid inside her!
Given the choice,
She lifted her voice
And demanded her mystery meat slider.

Misty said...

Oh dear, I'm not into spider,
So I'm pretty much an outsider.
And I don't know why,
But have never had Boston Cream Pie.
I must confess,
I'm a hopeless mess.