All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

April 9, 2020

|| || purge, press, shoddy, dismal, sharply dressed.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Those who attend a black tie affair-- as in today's cartoon-- needn't worry about being preyed upon by the sort of "bar fly" who frequents local pubs.
Ah, but there's a new breed who can show up anywhere. I'm speaking of the Bar Flea. Blessed with minuscule size & agility, these critters can hop in a beard or hide in an ear and slurp up whatever booze or blood they happen to find.

OwenKL said...

Harry Hare had a hare-brained scheme
To purge reports of his loss extreme.
He'd belittled the tortoise's dismal speed
So was caught unaware and in need.

His shoddy performance he ignored to the press,
Instead bragged about how he'd raced the best!
On the mammal news channels he had a lock,
Since they were controlled by his ally the fox!

The reptile world knew the truth of the race
He'd dallied and wasted the time to chase.
But his sharply dressed ego was in denial
That it was clad in a foolish emperor's style!

Ol' Man Keith said...

When the true results of the race were posted, Harry Hare registered his protest, addressed to the track's governors in the form of a stark plea. Pressed to secure his once-speedy reputation, he was quicker than a greased porker to claim the race was "rigged."

Wilbur Charles said...

Note. The howling was wargs. To escape the group climbed trees and Gandalf cast blazing Pune cones. The wargs were in confusion until the goblins arrived and set fire to the trees. And then. .

"Look sharp", Gandalf addressed the thirteen dwarves
"We must climb trees to escape the ravenous wargs
Bilbo was hard pressed his outlook was dismal indeed.
But Fili grabbed his arms , but now the party was treed.

Gandalf sewed confusion with fiery wizard tricks
Until the goblins arrived. Now the group was in a fix.
And then Thorindir the mighty eagle and his flock
Arrived in the nick of time and drove the enemy amok.

Bilbo was in the grasp of a younger bird who'd grabbed him by the body
His face was blackened, clothes were singed, he was really looking shoddy.
He heard the Eagle Lord tell Gandalf, "My friend the time has come
To purge the country round of goblins and all other nefarious scum."


Wilbur Charles said...

Yes, we get it, Owen. The fox gave it away. As is my wont, I misspelled #3 and thus had my letters wrong. The four J's were apparent as was the second word. Fortunately, the illustration gave me the first word. As of course, OMK's spoon about fleas .


Btw, not having Preview to double check posts I hope you'll see Pune=pine .

Misty said...

Busy morning, so forgive me, everybody, if I don't comment on your complicated and intriguing postings. I called one of my aunts in Austria this morning, and since I live in California I had to phone early so it wouldn't be late when her phone rang. Then my son called--he's checking on me every 2 or 3 days even though I certainly don't need it--but he's just being a good son, so that conversation took time. So I'm late dealing with puzzles this morning.

But to my great delight, I got all four Jumble words without a single hesitation and the solution, of course, popped right up. Those varied critters in their fancy dress are a delight, aren't they? I just wish they were able to sip a glass of wine while chatting.

Speaking of which---no, no, no, it's only 10:38 in the morning--let's put that off until evening, why don't we. Have a good day, everybody.

Ol' Man Keith said...

But, Wilbur, me lad! ~
I positively loved "Pune" & the image of "blazing Pune cones."
I was sure these were another sur-reality of LOTR-land!

Wilbur Charles said...

I thought this Group would like a clue/word from Evan Birnholz Wa-Post Sunday XWord:

People who don't solve the daily jumble?

_ _ _ _ S

I solved Evan after la-xword and the Jumble plus poem.

It was relatively easy this week.


Wilbur Charles said...

OMK, don't Southerners refer to 'Pune' as a homemade alcoholic drinks. As in "Punetang"


I see Preview is fixed for Android


Ol' Man Keith said...

Nah. Thaz spelt diffrunt.

Ah jist lookt it up:
Thaz "Poon."

Wilbur Charles said...

And... Those that don't solve the daily "jumble" are SLOBS.

No Sandy today? And Misty promised to tell us something.


Yep, "POON" Tang. I had White Lightning once.


Misty said...

Loved your poems, Owen and Wilbur, and your gloss, Ol'Man Keith. Just a busy day and couldn't do justice to your impressive skills.

And sorry, Wilbur--I was just suggesting that we should put off sharing a glass of wine until evening. And here I am, having my tiny glass of Merlot (okay, they are tiny but I have several of them) as I do every evening. If you all are having one too, I wish you all a toast at sunset--err, post-sunset. I'll try to be more with it and skilled tomorrow.