All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020

|| || exude, hiker, jogger, burlap, her old age.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

(My unsuccessful attempt at sarcasm)

Ol' Man Keith said...

In Mme. Calment's youth, the snooker salons of Paris competed for a high-class clientele.
One proprietor opened a parlor in which all the tops of his large, English-style tables were gold baize, no less than a 24-oz. weight billiard cloth on both the rails and slate beds!

Wilbur Charles said...

Lake Town was having a big shindig at the main town square
Along with the burly mayor, the river elves were there
"That's Thorin, he's our prisoner, they shouted out in vain"
"Yes, I'm Thorin, King of the mountain, and I'm back again!"

The Lake Town people cried out as one: "The King is returned!"
Treasure jogged their memory, not that all of Dale had burned.
Thoughts of future glory, a return to her grand old age
Exuded from the hearts of the young who knew not of pillage
And what a dragon's fury and power would be like.
All Bilbo thought was "I've got to deal with all that plus a long hike".


Wilbur Charles said...

#4 tookk some work but with only nine letters the riddle-solution was easy. Three of the letters were a gimme.

Ah yes, in Laketown much like NY and LA, greed Trump's prudence. Now it's prudence vs (im)patience.


Wilbur Charles said...

Hah, Google aptly inserted a capital and an apostrophe. Irony.

Misty said...

Fun poem, Wilbur, and cute gloss, Ol'Man Keith. I had to work a little on the fourth Jumble word, but the solution popped right up and made me laugh. Very cute, and it looks as though they went to some trouble to make Jeanne Calment look as she does in real life. Congratulations to her for that long life--though it's hard for me to imagine living a half century longer! Colorful cartoon, and a sweet birthday cake--thank goodness they didn't put that number on there in candles.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Apropos of Misty thought about living to a ripe old age, I thought of the dear old lady in Ricky Gervais' new episode. He's a reporter for the local paper, and he gets word that a resident in their senior citizen's home has rec'd a telegram from the queen congratulating her on her 100th birthday. He goes with his photographer to get a few quotes from her.
"So how does it feel reaching 100?"
"It's f**king awful," she says.
She goes on to detail all of her grossly distorted bodily functions.
He tries another tack. "What advice can you offer others?"
"Don't do it!"
"Surely you enjoy your fellow residents, yes?"
"They're all c**ts!"
There's more of the same, so he signals to his cameraman to just snap her photo--and she flips them the bird.

Sandyanon said...

Enjoyed the poem, Wilbur, especially the gap in generational attitudes, and Bilbo's tired acceptance of the situation. Poor guy!

I thought the jumble solution pun lacked humor, which any good pun needs, but that the jumble itself was interesting.

Sandyanon said...

And, oh yes, loved that the computer seems to be demonstrating political opinions!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Maybe not political, Sandy, so much as territorial. Our Dear Leader loves to plant his name on everything from towers to fake unis and TV shows & foodstuffs.
It is not beyond thinking that he or a crony hacked grammar- and spell-check functions so we would not forget him in our search for the "best words ever."

Misty said...

Ol'Man Keith, your Gervais interview is a riot and cracked me up. I guess when you hit a century you no longer have to worry about what to say or what people think about you. But, my goodness, that lady sure was one brassy centurion (is that a word?).