All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

|| || creek, funny, verify, better, current event.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Bon matin mes amis, Owen, Misty, Wilbur, OMK.

Well, watching Trevor Noah's "Daily Social Distancing Show", and doing the Thursday jumble. I do seem to be staying up later than I used to!

The jumble wasn't terribly difficult. The clues were a cinch, and all those e's gave me the second solution word, and the remaining letters then kind of fell into place. I like the pun -- not love it, but like it.

Looking forward to poems and comments tomorrow.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Hiya, Sandy!
I'm just checking in, not ready to offer anything new yet.
FLN: I posted my thanks & valediction for you late last night.

OwenKL said...

I'll verify this story's true,
I took a nap in my canoe
I had pushed away from shore.
As I slept, I lost my oar.
Now you better think this funny:
Since the water was so runny
I was up the creek without a paddle.
When I woke I saw my travel
Didn't match my planned intent.
It was, instead, a current event!

Sandyanon said...

Love the poem, Owen! You have a wonderful way of telling a story and then doing an ending that wraps it all up.

Ol' Man Keith said...

He needed approval to prevent a farce
At the beating "dissent" of citizens' hearts.
So money was spent,
And checks were sent,
With his name scrawled at bottom with indelible force.

They came to D.C. in planes, trains, & cars
To protest deposits they'd accepted of course.
They claimed their endorsements
Were earned & weren't "assent"!
Come November they outted his big orange arse.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thank you, Owen, for setting the beat!
Gotta love that "runny" water!
(What was that '50s hit? Something like "Hearts made of stone." Was that it?)

Misty said...

Good morning, Sandy,
Your comments were dandy.
And then comes Owen
With a wonderful poem!
Next Ol'Man Keith went
With poetic dissent.
So now it's my turn
Some fun writing to learn,
But instead I'll just croon
That I loved the cartoon.

(Hey, I'm a lousy poet,
But at least I know it).

Ol' Man Keith said...

More, More! Misty! Brava!
Your ditty, so pretty,
Don't think to quitty!

Whoops ~ I forgot to post the title for my lil' epic:
"Tale of a Dumped Hump."

Wilbur Charles said...

Presently the party arrived where a creek crossed the path.
How would they cross the enchanted water without taking a bath .
Bilbo who had the better eyes verified that a boat was moored
On the farther bank. Clever casting of a hook secured
It And by yanking and pulling, Bilbo, Thorin and Balin
We're able to cross. Clever use of hook and rope pulling
Resulted in all but Bofur and the overweight Bombur
Making it across. But a not so funny thing was in store.
Accidentally, fat Bombur got caught up in the current
And instantly was soaked. A most dreadful event.
And to make things worse, when he was dragged ashore
He fell instantly asleep. It'd take four to carry him maybe more.


Sandyanon said...

My goodness,

The creativity is flowing.
It shows no signs of slowing.
In fact it's only growing
As this set keeps it going.

Long may it blossom!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Indeed may it blossom!
Sandy, you're awesome
To join the procession
Using words that can freshen
Our time spent online
With your own thoughts in rhyme.

Thank you -

Wilbur Charles said...

Yes, there's been a dearth
Of excitement in Middle Earth
But let me say, in summing
Hold onto your hats, the


Ol' Man Keith said...

There's plenty of drama in crossing a creek, Wilbur--as you demonstrate very well in your poem today.
SPIDERS!? We don' need no stinkin' SPIDERS!!
(But if they're necessary, bring 'em on...)

Meanwhile, what do you say of the fresh jingles from our Misty & Sandy? Hourra!! All the original gang is chipping in, n'est-ce pas?

OwenKL said...

Oh, no, I'm going to have to add
On to this blog's brief colophon,
For any newcomers, don't be sad,
Your comment needen't be a -- versification!

BTW, despite the poem's first line, I've never fallen asleep in a canoe. Don't think I've ever even been in a canoe, though I did try using a canoe paddle on a rowboat once. Not a recommended experience.

I was, however, in a bad mood last night, and so delayed writing a poem until well past my self-imposed midnight deadline, and then just half my usual length. I have tomorrow's done and ready to go now, so I can watch Endeavor with a clear conscience.

Sandyanon said...

I could never get into Inspector Morse. Might try Endeavor. I really like Midsomer Murders.

Misty said...

Just got back on before bedtime--and Wow! Wow! Wow! Sandy poems and Wilbur poems and more poems and more poems What a treat! What a treat! Can't wait to see what pops up tomorrow.