All hints are in the comments!

Monday, April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020

|| || mulch, daily, splint, beware, unblemished.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Thank you, Owen. I was trying to avoid going to bed quite yet, and the jumble is already there.

It's weird sometimes what you get hung up on. I looked at this cartoon, saw the blanks for the one-word solution, and bingo, there it was. When I looked at the clues, they all came easily too, until the last. I stared at that one, tried all kinds of letter combinations, and nothing! Finally, finally it came and the V8 can hit me. How easy -- after the fact, of course.

The solution pun was ok. Sort of clever, quite appropriate, pretty obvious.

See you tomorrow.

OwenKL said...

He calls me "his Tomato", and he really seems to care
That no pest should bother me, or get into my hair!
He daily gives me what I need to keep me moisturized
So that my skin's unblemished for his hungry eyes!

He never would abuse me, for that would be a waste.
He wants to cultivate me to have the best of taste!
He has a special place for me, right beside his couch,
And makes sure that I am well-fed with the finest mulch!

As my globes began to grow, and my fronds began to sag
He made a splint to hold my stem, and thereby halt the drag.
My sisters say, "Beware, his intentions aren't like Plato's.
The only plate he wants from you is fried green tomatoes!"

Ol' Man Keith said...

The tomato ode is a beaut!

A disgruntled Fleming from Flanders
Disliked his countrymen's manners.
He drank to gainsay
His native DNA
And was unFlemished by Brandy Alexanders.

Wilbur Charles said...

As Gandalf rode off past the gulch Bilbo had much
To ponder, "I must beware " the wizard had said
Of the machinations of orcs, witches and such."
Daily they strive to splinter alliances and sow dread."

"Sauron the Dark Lord is hiding in the ruined fortress
Deep in Mirkwood. If not stopped the free peoples will be helpless.
For he has an unblemished record of sowing dismay and discord
All free people must unite and resist and be of one accord."


Wilbur Charles said...

I echo what OMK said. I just bought some fresh tomatoes and farm fresh eggs. Betsy immediately on return cooked up scrambled and sliced topped with salt and pepper: Deliceaux.

And you've branched out to limericks I see. I'm just not clever that way although I once rhymed:

To treat the daze and dyspepsia
Twas proscribed The 12 Steps for her

And my solving today mirrored Sandy; had to rearrange #4 and jot all the letters down and voila


Misty said...

My goodness, the talent on this blog just blows me away. I got all four Jumble words without any problem, but was stumped by the solution. Came here to the blog for help and Voila! there is was, in Owen's delightful Tomato poem. Then, nice to get Bilbo's confirmation in Wilbur's poem to boot. And, on top of all that, a poem from Ol'Man Keith giving us a triple confirmation. Blogs don't get any better than this on a Monday. Thank you all.

Sandyanon said...

This site is becoming the poetry corner. I hope others from CC are stopping by to enjoy it. From tomatoes to Sauron the Dark Lord to Brandy Alexanders!

I can only read and then appreciate
All the works these poets generate.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Wow, Wilbur!
Bravo in going for the extended syllabics.

The Alexandrine’s a line many brave poets
Have tried, with varied success, highest to lowest.
Octometer's a bully beat and truly tough w/o a cheat.
I think you're brave to try your hand--and venture into No-Man's-Land!

Today’s solution:
It gave us, as Sandy led off with, a “bingo” moment.
I mean, how many single word adjectives are there to describe “really clear” skin?

Ol' Man Keith said...

I forgot to entitle my little limerick (above),
"Whence the Father of Penicillin."

Wilbur Charles said...

Alexandrine, syllabic. .. I just try to tell my tale in rhythm and rhyme given the J words. I had to get creative with MULCH.