All hints are in the comments!

Friday, April 3, 2020

April 3, 2020

|| || guilt, tease, viable, warmth, "title waive".
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Normally I waive the odic norms
Of giving to my doggerel a title.
But sometimes there are special poems
For which it's viable, even vital!

Those are ones with topics profound,
Intended to carry a good message!
Written with warmth to abound,
And hopefully enduring time passage!

But others are written just to tease
And amuse for a brief moment in time.
Those are often my guilt to appease
That I don't give more worth for your dime!

Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN: My oh my!
Yesterday the creative juices were overflowing. Owen & Wilbur may be setting new records for original expression! --much to the delight of Jumble colleagues and anonymous readers.
Mayhap they'll continue today.
We seem to be off to a flying start with Owen's first entry (above), a sort of declaration of aesthetic principles.

Today's solution:
Once the ex-king started playing up to the Nazis, the folks at home began to view him as something of an idle knave.
They shipped the infamous Windsor necktied-dull craven duke off to govern the Bahamas for the duration.
Nowadays, we'd say the change of heart regarding the once popular monarch hit the home island with the force of a...
(ahem) tsunami.

Sandyanon said...

The clues were easy this morning, but I had to look at the letters for awhile before the light dawned. A real "groaner" pun! So I enjoyed it once I got it.

Owen, I liked your poem, but was looking for it to have a title. Or even a subtitle.

Wilbur Charles said...
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Wilbur Charles said...

I'm omitting a lot of what happened from the appearance of Gandalf, the chase through the bowels of the mountain, the sneak attack by goblins, Bilbo separated and lost. He runs into the creature Gollum but on the way finds a ring. The last "riddle" is the next to last line.

That the creature , Gollum, was nasty was undeniable
It was crouched ahead blocking the only viable
Means of escape. The thought of killing teased
The hobbit. But tidal waves of guilt then seized
The warm heart of the son of Belladonna Took.
The ring had been won fairly, he was no crook.
"What has it got in its pockets?" The creature had said.
It was the ring of invisibility. And to freedom it led.


Misty said...

Amazing poems, Owen and Wilbur--loved them both, and loved finding the Jumble words and solution right there, in both of them. Thank you for this Friday delight. And then there were Ol'Man Keith's clever multiple glosses on the solution. Really, Fridays don't get any better than this!

I was so happy to get the four words, and the solution popped out right away, but didn't fit the letters I ended up with. So had to look it up, and there was my solution, but built into two joking words--very funny.

Sandyanon said...

Hi, Wilbur. Very slow progress on reading Hobbit. But I'll stick with it very slowly.

Enjoying your poems.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Well done, Wilbur -- and especially well rhymed.
Speaking of the "ring of invisibility," one might wonder (or hope!) whether (that) the good Dr. Anthony Fauci has today donned a "cloak of invisibility"!

The following is not Jumble-related, but a response to an emergency:

Poor Dr. Fauci’s been threatened with death
Since he covered his face with his hand.
Fox’s friends & their allies have run out of breath
Calling for him to be banned.

Ideologues found an email of his,
That Tony sent ages ago,
In which he expressed approval of Ms.
H. Clinton--and not [gasp] her foe!

The upshot is that those gullible nuts
Are certain Doc Fauci hates Trump.
Some have promised they so hate his guts
They’d shoot off his medical rump.

The marshals have rallied to Tony’s relief,
With bodyguards circling him ‘round
Today Dr. Fauci was bumped from the brief.
(We pray he still can be found.)

Wilbur Charles said...

I had a boss in my IT days that reminds me of what Dr Fauci is going through. I was at a meeting at which I was getting physically sick from his stupidity.

Ironically, he had academic credentials up the "gump-stump" and…
He was a real nice guy, treated me very well and after he left I met him socially and we were delighted to see each other.

After said "meeting" I started to "educate" him where he was being bamboozled. His response: "I refuse to discuss it, you can do the project or….(else?)"

Sandy, I'll be flashing back to give more details re. "The attack" and the final escape".

OMK, you're a natural. Bravo. And thanks Misty for your effervescent kudos. Ms E.


Sandyanon said...

I'm hoping that Dr. Fauci's profile has become so high that even you know who will not feel free to dump him.

Wilbur Charles said...

Re. "you know who". Oh, you mean "Carl". Instead of listening to "him" I can reread dick and Jane


Misty said...

A Dr. Fauci poem,
From Ol'Man Keith and not from Owen,
Or from Wilbur. Oh my gosh,
Poetry can't get more posh!