All hints are in the comments!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 26, 2020 Sunday

|| tepid, thyme, jumble, arouse, brimmed (with) style. || hinder, swivel, admire, purity, exodus, outage, paid them a visit.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

I fooled the would-be thief into letting me slip away in the dark.
He thought I was reaching to unlock my safe when in fact I hit the light switch and my study was dimmed with guile.

Wilbur Charles said...

10 J's and two riddle-solutions.

Bilbo's ride on the barrel raft was pleasant though cold
He remembered back in Elronds house that Gandalf had told
Of the days when Smaug the dragon was aroused with fury
And paid a visit to the countryside intent to bury
Towns and farms, walls and castles, proud and strong.
As the raft swiveled it's way south he saw along
The banks signs of the new inhabitants of the town on the lake.
For the rushing water had now become tepid and he could make
Out where the exodus from Dale had led to a new start
Unhindered by fear of dragons. They would start anew apart
From the jumble and carnage of that terrible time
As evinced by gardens of parsley, sage rosemary and thyme.
Stylish houses brimming with life gave proof of security
And hope for the future lived with new hope and purity .
Bilbo could only admire the resilience of these men
Coming back from the outage and building again.


Sandyanon said...

Well, the j6 defeated me, or I gave up too soon.
Actually neither solution was that difficult, once all the letters were there. It was a couple of the j6 clues that were my problem and that I looked up.

I wasn't thrilled with either solution, but that's possibly just my standard negative outlook.

Owen, where are you? Are you ok??? I sure hope so.

Sandyanon said...

Wilbur, I was writing while you were posting. Both jumbles in one poem. Great work!
Your skill is even growing. I just don't know how you can be limited in your story and yet use all those words.

Sandyanon said...

Limited BY the story

Misty said...

Wow! That is quite a story, Wilbur, and there they were, all the words and the solution of the second Jumble. Wonderful and I agree with Sandyanon that your skills are just amazing. Now we just need Owen's poems to make our Sunday complete.

However, I found the second Jumble a bit tough--my fault, not the constructors. I had trouble with the third and the last word--neither of them that difficult when I saw what they were. And I even had trouble with the easy solution because words like "bonus"--that you would expect in the solution--already appeared in the cartoon. Still, the solution was a bit funny I guess, and all those poor workers with their hairnets and face-masks sure deserved a bonus--from her and from us.

Wilbur Charles said...

Sandy, were you able to find all the J's and riddle-solutions? I'm glad you liked it, makes it worthwhile. I have no idea how I do it. What I didn't do was get those wet, hungry dwarves out of those barrels.

I think I got the "hat" solution right. It jived with the bright burglar evader


Ps, some of those J's were tough today. I admire people with the pure skill to ferret out the verbiage. I hope Misty rouses herself and pays us a visit. Also..
I think I spotted Owen on Facebook.

Misty said...

Wilbur, I actually posted pretty early and said I loved your poem!

Misty said...

P.S. Wilbur, I should have said that I already "paid you a visit."

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sorry, fellow rhymers, to post so late, but you know it is.
I had to find the right word.
Let us hope Bilbo's raft continues along the rushing river & that it doesn't turn off into one of those muddy tributaries filled with silt and muck, waters that in other, ghastly tales swiftly turned to quicksand, where the thick accumulate made them inspissate.

En attendant... :
Mr. Owen did not come today. But he will surely come tomorrow, without fail.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty, thanks and solution for the 4*4 was in the long poem too.

I managed to post the poem while Sandy was posting and then my later post concurrent with Misty.


Sandyanon said...

Help me understand.

When posts are deleted on the Corner for being objectionable, are all the posts referring to them, even the ones criticizing them, also deleted? D-O posted a criticism of something Jinx posted about news channels. I posted shortly thereafter (and I hardly ever post there) just saying thumbs up to D-O.

Now I can't find any of the posts dealing with that, and there were a couple of others. Except mine! Maybe it wasn't clearly related to the topic and that's how it was missed???

Anyway, is that the policy, that all posts relating to such a discussion are deleted?

Misty said...

Good question, Sandyanon. Hope you get some answers tomorrow.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Maybe, Sandy. But that must depend on how closely C.C. can detect a connection between the maybe-related posts.

Sandyanon said...

So that is the policy, then, OMK? And C.C. does the monitoring?

I would just like to understand.


Ol' Man Keith said...

That's why I wrote "Maybe."
All I know is that I once wrote a minor political message and C.C. deleted it and one or two following posts.
No explanation.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I should add that I believe it was C.C. who did the deleting.
I didn't imagine it would be anyone else.

Wilbur Charles said...

FLN, I just looked. The two political posts plus D-O's mention that they were political were all deleted. But Sandy...

Your "Thumbs up" is there now.

And there are several moderators, generally the same folks who do the write-ups.

My observation, which was meant as a generalization, was that those to the right of the political spectrum seem to not realize that things they post are political. And that "Side" is extremely sensitive to what they recognize (from their point of view) as "Left".

fe, the "Bobby" strain we had in here several days ago we all recognize as "Political" but the regulars here all enjoyed them. And...

I also assume that we wouldn't talk about Bobby over at CC.