All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

April 23, 2020

|| || style, prowl, summer, fondly, spur of (the) moment.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Is it really "at"? Or perhaps "on"? Actually "by" might seem better in the specific context, but that wouldn't fit the original any more than "at".

Well, I'm certainly glad not to be a jumble creator. Goodnight all.

OwenKL said...

The Orange Cat would prowl the neighborhood, his demesne.
When they hear his bell approach, small birds ne'er remain.
His humans make him wear it, altho it cramps his style.
They say it keeps the songbirds safe, which makes them smile.

He treats his humans fondly when he deigns to grace their home.
They keep his cozy bed there, of softest flannel-covered foam.
He stays inside all winter, not fond of wet snow cover,
And most summer, too, since he retired as a great lover!

The only thing that spurs him now to patrolling the outdoors
Is a bit of grass to lubricate his purr-producing chords,
And to remind, for the moment, all the dogs in nearby blocks
The he's the baron who rules here, the Orange Cat Who Walks!

OwenKL said...

Sandy, (if I'm reading you correctly) give it a bit of thought, and I think you'll come up with a different preposition it should of been.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Prepositions can be tough lil' buggers. I swapped "of" for "on" in the following:
The sideshow barker sported a truly crappy beard. My little brother and I almost talked him into letting us in for the under-12 half price--until Jack slipped up and insulted the lousy fur on that showman's face.
After that we were both socked with full price.

Sandyanon said...

I love your Orange Cat, Owen; you've made him very real. Actually I was always a cat person growing up,though we did have a family dog, lovely, sweet-natured Missie, a collie/chow mix. She even tolerated my cats.

Yes, with OMK, I prefer "on" for that idiom, as I've never seen any other preposition used for it. Still glad not to be a jumble creator, though.

Misty said...

Sweet Orange Cat poem, Owen, and how cleverly you work in all the Jumble words and solution. I needed a minute to get the first word, but the other three came quickly and the solution came instantly. I love that cartoon with the annoyed horse talking back to his rider. And Ol'Man Keith, you sure know how to weave the solution into a fun story with an always hilarious play on the words. Thanks for that too.

I love watching little brown birds with a red head and chest come to my bird feeder every morning. A treat to look up from the computer and wish them a silent good morning.

Wilbur Charles said...

First, Bilbo thought fondly of summer days in the shire
Before that door bell rang. How did he ever aspire
To adventures in the wild. It was not his style to lust for jewels and gold
Now here he was on the prowl, skulking, hiding; trying to be Bilbo the bold.

Down past the cells of the other dwarves and deep within
Bilbo found the thirteenth traveler. The mighty Thorin.
Thinking Bilbo was marvelous not knowing of the ring,
Thorin was amazed and lauded, high praise from a King.

On the spur of the moment Bilbo felt heartfelt love
For his sore beset companions. And vowed that above
All else he'd manage an escape. He'd come out of hiding,
Free Thorin, Balin and the rest. And they'd all go barrel-riding.


Sandyanon said...

Wilbur, I just saw (again!) Return of the King, and contrasting your youthful, adventurous Bilbo with Bilbo in his feeble old age (but still ready for one more adventure!) makes me contemplate how time passes for us all. And how we are all joined in trying to survive one more dangerous adventure.

Thanks for continuing the story.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Happy BIRTHDAY, Will Shakespeare!
(455 years young today.)

Sandyanon said...

There was a star danced, and under that he was born.

Wilbur Charles said...

Thanks Sandy. Even Gandalf didn't know the impact that the Ring could have. It weighed on Bilbo like it weighed on Gollum. Hobbits, of all the free born creatures of Middle Earth had the ability to handle the ever increasing draw of the Ring. But for Bilbo and later Frodo it had a lasting impact and only traveling with the elves to Westernesse to repair and lessen that impact


Misty said...

Cool poem, Wilbur. I'll look forward to Bilbo's next adventure.