All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, April 22, 2023

22 April 2023

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it! This 𝕮.𝕿. site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
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Image(s) from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Since August 2022, Wordle brags and links to original jigsaw puzzles are also welcomed!

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Today’s Jumble haiku:
(Metaphors, analogs, comparisons… these can differ in many ways, one of which is scale. People will argue over size—and also color and form, and the appropriate modes of disguising traditional beauty.
When it comes to masking the glories of nature, how can you even think to…)

Twerk Which Classic?

Let’s bicker! To shirt
macaws is worse than hiding
palms in gazebos.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Wordle 22 April ‘23
Wordle 672 3/6

Used the other
starter today,
came close at
level two…

OwenKL said...

All my money is spent and gone,
I have nothing left to live upon!
It is no joke,
It's up in smoke,
It can't be fixed, I'm woebegone.

Wordle 672 4/6


OwenKL said...

The Bickersons were a radio show
That aired some 80 years ago.
Don Ameche played husband John,
While Frances Langford as Blanch was on.

The couple bickered in the extreme
At 3 AM, when they should dream.
He complained how she ironed his shirt,
She accused him of chasing a skirt!

The magic imagination of old-time radio
Worked its way into home and gazebo.
Folks listened and laughed at the stars,
And felt good that "that bickering ain't ours!"

Before radio, what did folks listen to?
Could a pet macaw sing a verse or two?

OwenKL said...

My Wordle poem is not really about me. Yes, all my money is gone, but Social Security is paying for my upkeep here, so I'm not as bad off as the poem. I do worry about my wife though. She has gone completely insane. All her money is gone too, and she doesn't have enough coming in from her salary to catch up on the overdrafts she's responsible for.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Owen ~ I remember the Bickersons. I believe they were a bit before my time, but I have listened to preserved recordings—and loved them!
Man, I really loved radio shows. Sitting on the floor of my Grandpa’s apartment, right in front of the stand-alone mahogany radio, listening to The Bob Hope Show, Life with Luigi, Fibber McGee & Mollie—Man-oh-Man!
Or at home in the kitchen, with the portable radio on the table, and me draping my arms over the warm plastic-case, feeling the vibrations of the music & voices emanating from The Count of Monte Cristo, This is Your FBI, & Henry Aldrich (“Coming, Mother!”).

There really was nothing better for playing with your imagination.
My family driving home at night from visiting friends, listening to the car radio playing The Jack Benny Show & The Whistler…!
As thrilling as TV is, from early black & white pix, with static and ghosts, to today’s full cinema quality, it never was, nor is, as hypnotic as old radio.

Wilbur Charles said...

Sirius has an oldie radio station. I just finished a book about Bob Hope whose early fame was the pepsodent hour

Owen, truly marvelous poem today. My MiL referred to us as the Bickersons but I never knew it came from radio


CanadianEh! said...

I went for it today.
Wordle 672 3/6*


Misty said...


Joe was a bit of a jerk
but he did a good job at work.
With fellow workers he did bicker
yet to help them he was quicker.

When he had to quit it felt a bit tragic
and so his co-workers devised some magic.
At a gazebo they gave him a new shirt,
and a macaw that was cute and pert.

Joe was sad that they all had to part,
but he thanked them with all his heart.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Owen ~ I checked the date for The Bickersons and see they were mid-‘40s, not “before my time” at all. But I guess we didn’t listen when they were live on air.
Not surprising, given the plethora of shows available! I’m glad to have caught them later on.

Misty ~ Your Joe seems a complex character, both an effective worker and a flawed “jerk.” In other words a believable human…
You pack a lot of story in these crisp stanzas. Good job!
I wonder why he was forced to retire. There are many possibilities: he was fired, he reached mandated retirement, or his company or branch had folded. Whatever the reason, it was good of his co-workers to show such appreciation.

A macaw is a very nice gift. But giving one to someone is a tricky proposition, isn’t it? They live so long, you wouldn’t want to spring one as a surprise on a retiree, or any older person—not without knowing who may inherit the bird later on.

OwenKL said...

When I was young, and could still hear reasonably well, I knew that someday I was likely to go deaf. So I used my hearing as much as possible. One of the ways I did that was getting involved in Old Time Radio (OTR) fandom. I amassed a moderate sized collection on cassette tapes. Oddly, while I recognized most of the titles you mentioned Keith, Fibber McGee and Mollie is the only one I've actually heard. I wonder if OTR fans are still around?

Wilbur Charles said...

When I still subscribed to Sirius radio I recall listening to Fibber McGee.

They had this insurance investigator on Johnny ? Along with solving he'd itemize all his expenses, 50s rates.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Of the ones I mentioned, my very favorite was Life with Luis, starring J. Carol Naish. The adventures of an Italian immigrant making a new life for himself in Chicago.
It was narrated in the form of letters home to Luigi's Mama back in the Old Country.
Naish played it with a thick stereotyped accent. Musical bridges were on an organ-grinder's organ.
Luigi took night school classes to prepare for his citizenship exams, and the classes were filled with other stereotyped foreigners--German, Swedish, etc.
My favorite part of the show (I was just a kid) was when Luigi would refer to his girlfriend reluctantly, as "My bigg-a, fatt-a, ROSA!"
Her Papa, Pasquale (played by Alan Reed), would call her sweetly two times, then SHOUT coarsely, "ROSA!!" and she (Jody Gilbert) would come on with high-pitched giggles!!: "You call-a me? Tee-Hee-HEE HEE, eh PAPA!!"

Wilbur Charles said...

Johnny Dollar was his name

Misty said...

Delightful haiku this morning, Ol' Man Keith: you worked all four J words in, along with the solution in your title. And not only did your verse refer to macaws, but you mentioned something about their life span that I could hardly imagine. So I looked them up, and it turns out that in the wild many macaws live for 40 or more years, while domesticated ones can indeed live to 75 years! Amazing. And you're right--they should not be given to elderly people who may not be able to outlive them.

Misty said...

Amazing poem, Owen--congratulations!Can't believe you took the J word "bicker" and turned it into the "Bickersons." So I went and looked it up, and sure enough it was a radio show featuring Don Ameche and Frances Langford. The things you learn on this blog! And in addition to all that, you too worked all four J words and solution into your verse! Woohoo!

Misty said...

After I saw that everyone posted a Wordle today, I decided I had to post one too. But I was intrigued by your verse over your Wordle, Owen, and wondered if it offered us a clue.
It did! It worked! I got my first single word try on a Wordle ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this Saturday gift!

Here it is:

Wordle 672 1/6


OwenKL said...

Congratulations Misty ! I had no idea my l'ick was so transparent today, since I didn't even use the target word!

Ol' Man Keith said...

In my post @ 3:22pm, the radio show was called Life with Luis.
Obviously, this was Google Spelling’s whitebread correction of …Luigi.
As a nation, we shall never achieve diversity at this rate.

CanadianEh! said...

An aspiring socialite despairs over all the expense required to join the elite.

Let’s not bicker;
I will be broke
Buying furniture of wicker,
(No, no, not oak)
For my new gazebo.

My decorator will work his magic,
I’ll wear my designer shirt with macaw.
But it would be tragic
To not hear a hurrah,
After spending all that dough.

Ol' Man Keith said...

CEh! ~
I'll give you a cheer that's loud
(no bickering at all!)
And, since it's Saturday late,
this'll be your "Last Hurrah"!

Welcome, welcome, we've been hoping to see you again.
It was great to have your Wordle earlier in the day, but it's the poetry that really warms our hearts.

CanadianEh! said...

I was hoping to comment on you all, but the day disappeared on me. I’m still trying to get back into normal routine.
Enjoyed you all today.