The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
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Tom and his party returned to Base One,
A village of adobe huts under a new sun.
The ship's cargo hold held all of their needs,
Electron microscopes to brooms to seeds!
Under the 'scope, the fingers were rootlets,
The violet accent seemed to be axon bits.
Outside, they were preparing to expand,
A lumbering crew had their saws in hand.
The leader knelt, his saw bit thru the bark,
An earthquake caused the loggers to rock!
It came from the tree, like a scream of pain!
Sawdust amounted to just a few grains.
Thru the 'scope, the sawdust had veins
Of neurons -- it was the trees had brains!
They weren't really smart cookies, it proved.
Close to a sloth, and couldn't be moved.
Their root- and branch-tip fingers were quick,
Their hairdos of leaves made views quite scenic!
(The End.)
I had trouble getting the fourth Jumble word and had to come to your poem for help this morning, Owen. Found the poem a lot of fun and kept wondering how you were going to work that beauty parlor job in the fifth word into it--but you did it! And you gave me my missing fourth word and that helped me solve the solution! Woohoo! Loved getting that bit of historical information about how we got that delightful chocolate treat in the cartoon. Many thanks, David and Jeff.
Seems that there's no real threat on this planet after all, though coping with sentient (are they?) trees may be a problem. So safety and future colonization is the conclusion, but still leaves a lot to speculate about.
And tomorrow we move on to a new story, as Owen heaves a sigh of relief.
The jumble was not too difficult, though I too had to puzzle for awhile about that fourth clue. Whenever a word is half or more vowels, it's tough. Consonants provide word structure, with vowels filling in, so when there's less structure it gets tricky to know where to fill them in. Anyway, the solution jumped out at me once the letters were there. Punny funny.
Your mind is fascinating, Owen! I can't imagine where all those images originate. Good job!
Though the words took a little more time than usual to unscramble once I had the letters the final solve just popped out like a new batch from the oven. Fun!
Interesting to learn about tollhouse.
What a relief! I actually worried for Tom and his buddies. The thought of them trapped by unfriendly flora, held to the ground by wooden fingers (no matter how fragile), haunted me.
I know now that others had faith in Tom's ability to break from their foul grasp, but the pronoun ambiguity held me in thrall.
I thank you for clarifying, Owen--and for today's clear victory by the space crew over the dumb native growth!
The Jumble was tough--not the words but the solution, which took extra time for me, probably because I had SMACK for the second word. I held onto it for the longest time, overnight in fact because... well, I had a delicious sense memory of a toll house cookie and fell asleep over it.
Had I drawn it out, I'd have mentioned the tremors were the trees yelling to distant friends, and tree-cutting being limited to breeds considered the equivalents of insects. Poachers would probably make a good story -- for someone else to write.
I had the word HAIR on #4 but never attached DO to it.
Tom better hope that there are no Ents around . If Tom plays the role of Pippen and wakes those Guardians up he might get we what Saruman got.
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