All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Nov. 6, 2019

|| || igloo, ninth, soften, pewter, weigh (her) options.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Alice had a weird collection, very shape specific,
Yet the options of materials amazingly eclectic.

She had a crystal ball, set on a pewter base,
A plastic snow-globe, with an igloo set in place.
A heavy glass paper-weight, like a frozen lotus,
A magnifying dome, ninety-ninth power focus.

She had a horsehide baseball, autographed by Ruth,
A sphere of azurite, conjured to compel the truth.
A shaggy fabric tribble, oh, so soft and cuddly,
A ball of beauty soap, that would be so bubbly!

A 3-D model globe of Mars, with Olympus Mons,
A Happy Days bobble head, painted as The Fonz.
A sphere, a ball, an orb, any item that was round
If a hand-held size, in her collection could be found.

Anonymous said...

What an amazingly varied collection Alice has rec'd from your fertile mind, Owen! I am in awe of your imagination. How rich your gifts to her--and to us! Delightful!

FLN, Wilbur:
I presume you've worked it out by now, the homophone for "Fair."
Sometimes solutions can be way too obvious for our sophisticated over-thinking brains.

Sandyanon said...

The clues came pretty easily, and with all the letters available, so did the solution. That five-letter word being so obvious helped enormously. Apropos pun.

I do love your poem today, Owen. Every one of the elements was interesting and fun. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be the tribble, reminding me of one of the most memorable, and also fun, Star Trek episodes.

Misty said...

Loved your poem, Owen--especially the cute reference to The Fonz.

Had a bit of trouble with the third and fourth Jumble word, but got the solution once Owen's verse helped me with the missing words. Cute cartoon with the slightly chubby lady in her neat outfit. Nice final item on a great day when I got the whole puzzle, the Sudoku and the Kenken without any problem, and the Jumble with just a little help from you guys. Have a great day too.

Anonymous said...

As the pirate captain exhorted his crew, sneeringly disparaging the firearms of the enemy vessel, "Belay their popguns, me hearties!"

Wilbur Charles said...

FLN, OMK, I did the J on line and messed up the circles. I couldn't find the "F". I knew it was FARE.

I had trouble with #3. Jotted every combination; then having the Riddle-Solution I worked out the missing letters placement.

Finally. DAH....

Great poem. Alice, btw, is the patron saint of missed putts. You'll hear her name shouted by frustrated golfers who leave putts inches short.


OwenKL said...

? Missed putts? Not a golfer, but I don't see the connection.

OwenKL said...

If you work tomorrow's puzzle online, the solution line is messed up royally! It should be 10 characters long, not 9!