All hints are in the comments!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Nov. 1, 2019

|| || patio, viper, fusion, scribe, above suspicion.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

On the cafe patio, the journalist sipped his latte.
His latest press from Los Alamos was a real hotty!
Cold fusion had been attained, energy for free!
Could be done outside the lab? That they had to see.

The scribe put down the paper, returning to his notes.
A full-sized generating plant was the scientist's hopes.
But for that they needed a huge amount of money.
Gas and oil companies saw competition would be crummy.

The reporter saw the lobbyist as a viper in disguise,
Who argued that the scientists were shooting at blue skies.
He planted suspicions the plant would be above the budget,
Scuttled appropriations. How the oil barons loved it!

OwenKL said...

I really shouldn't read news analysis before writing poems. Still, this is probably better than my first idea, which involved Cleopatra and ancient aliens.

As fusion-powered saucers cruised above the Nile.
Cleopatra on her patio observed their flying style.
About their good intentions she had bad suspicions.
Told her scribe to find out more about their mission.

Informed that the aliens were snake-men from a star,
She primed her power cell, then lounged in her boudoir.
As they came in, she zapped 'em, like Solo blasted Greedo.
She had no truck with aliens since that Roman cad Antonio!

But before disintegrating, one viper fired a poison dart,
And that's how Cleo really died, pierced into her heart.

Ya know what? I like this one better!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Rabbit Rabbit...
I can't quite make out a "bolt" on my iPad. When I magnify the image it just blurs out. But there is something under the ear. I'll go along with the F'stein monster on the basis of his green complexion. (Obviously, the newspaper version leaves it an open question.)
I think it poor judgment on the Count's part that he would not choose a real M.D, but maybe Seward is out of network.

Owen, I prefer the 2nd one too. Cleo & ancient Egypt offer an exotic setting, and I'm a sucker for exoticism every time. The final couplet provides a better twist, with its re-write of history.

The bird in the cartoon is likely a gull. But if we take the dove to symbolize purity & innocence, then this guy is probably happy to think he now occupies a dove's position!

Misty said...

I can never believe all the poetry you produce in just a single morning, Owen--congratulations. Not my best Friday--got only the Kenken without any trouble this morning. And I have to confess that this was not my favorite Jumble, with that poor little dog getting blamed after having his hot dog stolen. Well, I'll have to see if I can come up with something fun today, after all.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I feel for the dog too, Misty, but I wouldn't suppose that the hot dog was "his." It was sitting in a bun on a china plate, so I reckon it was for the gentleman.
I blame the human for leaving it unattended, esp. where ravenous seagulls fly.
At our home we are somewhat sharper in reading clues that implicate any of our canines. If for instance I were to find the wiener on the ground with little nips torn out of it, I would submit (A) a dog did it!
But if the entire frankfurter were gone (and given the short time my back might have been turned), I'd shove submission (A) aside & look for another culprit.

Wilbur Charles said...

I looked at this online this morning but couldn't get number 3 and too many letters missing to grok the theme. But ..
I got FUSION later and having all the letters got me ABOVE and voila.
#2 was a lot of fun but an artist can't escape the viscitudes of current economic politics. Oil has run everything since Rockefeller along with the capitalist foundation that was designed to regulate and reward.

Something less but similar came to my attention in Boston where they are trying to outlaw Eastern medical treatments like Reiki and Reflexology .

The excuse: faux practitioners being imported(eg "trafficking"). The real story? Follow the money. The AMA and the overall "Treatment" establishment don't want the competition .

Yes, I have a dog in the fight. My wife does both. Which begs a larger question: If it heals, if it relieves suffering isn't the term psychosomatic simply irrelevant?

Owen, feel free to compose a poem on the above although #1 is pretty close


Misty said...

Ol'Man Keith, what a clever detective you are! I think you have a career awaiting you on that front.