All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Jan. 7, 2020

|| || burly, exact, wooden, cackle, be "core-ect".
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Looks like I'm too early for Owen's poem...
"Gee, or Heck!"-- I'm not sure which expletive is the more appropriate under the circumstances.

FLN, Misty ~ Glad to read that your Dusty is in good health. Nice too that he's a homebody. Dogs are such routine-loving pets, I'm sure he's comfortable in his familiar place.
Our guys are stay-at-homes too. I worried about the big one, our Golden, at first because I can't walk her anymore. But we were fortunate in moving to a place with a large wrap-around fenced-in yard, so she gets plenty of exercise here.
(Turns out, of course, that it's the little ones that do most of the tearing about, screaming at squirrels or sounds from neighbors.)

Misty said...

I too hope we get to see Owen's poem--I looked forward to checking it to make sure I got all the words right. I'm pretty sure they're okay, though, because the fun solution to the cartoon popped right up and worked perfectly with the letters I had. And your always fun word play pretty much guarantees that I got it right, Ol'Man Keith. So glad to hear you have a fenced-in back yard so that your pups, including the big girl, have fun with lots of exercise. What are their names, by the way?

Loved the bright colors in the Jumble cartoon, and will check in later to see if Owen posted.

Sandyanon said...

Easy jumble today. And the kind of pun that makes me groan and laugh at the same time. Enjoyed it.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Hm. No Owen yet. Hope he's sleeping in--like I did. I got up at 11 am today. I don't usually get to sleep until 3:30 or 4 am, but even so I am usually awake between 9 and 10. So this was a luxury today. I wish the same for our poet.

Misty ~ Our dogs are Maggie, the white Golden (AKA name: Magnificat!), and our little rescue boys are Louie, the Yorkie, and Nacho, our Chihuahua mix (part Jack Russell we think).
Louie came to us with his name already attached. We found Nacho in the OC pound where his name was Frijolitos (Lil' Beans). Janice preferred Nacho, much easier to say.

Wilbur Charles said...

I did this early in the morning. I completely forget the words but I remember the solution.
I just found my solutions in the newspaper. #4 would be a good one for Owen.


Misty said...

Sweet names for sweet dogs, Ol'Man Keith--thanks for letting me know.

OwenKL said...

*** ALERT ***

The glitch has returned! Tomorrow's Jumble has a "the" in the answer, and the Shockwave/Uclick interface will not give a ta-da at the correct answer
12345 (the) 67890
but instead wants
12345 (the) the67.