All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

2 Mar. 2022

|Smiley face| _twice, robin, funnel, embark, free "rain".
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Robins (Turdus migratorius),
male & female, share the feeding of their young.
The parents…

Reign Free to Range Freely!”

Mama Robin twice funnels worms to her hatchlings,
then nestles down as her mate embarks on his search.
Alternating food-runs are Turdus understandings,
to keep youngsters fed—in no gustatory lurch.

Papa ranges free, catching a lumbricus fatty,
enough to feast for a week. Good for you, Daddy!

Misty said...

"Pet Owner"

Rosie couldn't stop sobbing
when she lost her favorite robin
on a journey on a train
when she gave him too much free reign,
losing him as they went through a tunnel
and he flew through a ceiling funnel.

She would not make the same mistake twice,
so her next set of pets were mice
with whom she did embark
on stroll around the park.
But this time she was smart and sage,
and kept them in a cage.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Well, that was clever of Rosie, Misty.
She obviously does not want to do without companionship even for the time of a stroll. Keeping the rodenta in a cage prevents their taking a holiday in the manner of her turdus.
The only question remaining is whether she carries the contraption in her arms or lugs it behind on wheels.

Sandyanon said...

You all led me to learning a new word: eggcorn!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Me too, Sandy!
And to learn that eggcorn (lovely word) is itself an eggcorn.

Wilbur Charles said...

[It's Lois turn to recount her story]

Once burned, twice shy was my motto during the lost years
A smile on my face but inside it freely rained down tears
At my third detox hope funneled it's way to my heart
And I embarked on a new journey, I'd made a new start.

Much like the early robin searching for the careless worm
I painstakingly applied myself; vowing, this time, to go full term


Wilbur Charles said...

Eggcorn??? Robins are a sign of hope that springs eternal. Then again, watching those rats cavort can be fun.

A worm is a worm is a worm unless..
It's a turdus


Misty said...

OMK, the words in your Mama and Papa Robin verse just blow me away. Liked the way you made "funnel" a verb, followed later by that "gustatory lurch". Wow! That's some sophisticated poetic language!

Wilbur, how sweet to have Lois begin to tell her side of the story. Didn't realize that she also had a detox phase in her life. Looking forward to learning more about her.

Sandyanon said...

Wilbur, glad to hear more from Lois. I can relate to third time finally working, only in my case it was smoking.

Wilbur, maybe Google 'eggcorn'.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Nice to hear from Lois, Wilbur.
Looks like there's a lot of story left to tell...

A worm would have a hard time being a turdus, when it is so naturally a lumbricus.

Misty said...

Okay, OMK, I have to confess I'd love to know what a 'turdus' is, and what a 'lumbricus' is, but was too embarrassed to ask. Please explain.