All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

3 Mar. 2022

|Smiley face| _erupt, wince, dragon, pirate, warranted.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN, Misty ~ Sorry! I thought Turdus was clear from my intro to the poem, in the parentheses identifying the scientific name for “Robin.”
In any case, it never takes long to Google.
Lumbricus is the common earthworm.

Here’s the intro to today’s poem:
We hear of the “Butterfly Effect”—
how a relatively small cause may produce a large result in an unexpected place.
Prepare to respond to a …

”Freshly Warranted Blow”

Whenever dragons
wince, even the Black Pirate’s
grog kegs will erupt.

Misty said...

My apology, Ol' Man Keith, I should have googled 'lumbricus terrestris' before asking you to explain.

As always, your offer this morning amazes me with the way you work all four Jumble words and solution into such a compact and imaginative verse.

Misty said...

"Wild Cartoons"

Her cartoons made critics wince
and argue that they stink.
All the pirates and monsters and dragons
erupting on ships and huge wagons
warranted them to leer.
But their wildness made readers cheer
and caused the criticism to disappear.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thanks, Misty, I did enjoy working today’s haiku.
This one went through eight (or more) versions before posting.
Brief as they are, they often require several drafts to help them seem “effortless.” Along with the strict syllable count, they try to include a gentle twist.

Your cartoonist appears to be facing a disparity of opinion between the critics and her public. Such differences are not uncommon. But I am glad you’ve given her the cheer of her fans. Good on ya!
A rarer but sometimes mind-boggling gap is when a controversy places both public and critics on the favorable side and the editors on the negative. (Ah, such things we have seen!)

Ol' Man Keith said...

As I reexamine the word, I see how Turdus might be misleading and seem vulgar. But I believe it is the Latin for all the "thrush" variety of bird life, and a robin is a migratory thrush.

Wilbur Charles said...

That one word got me reminiscing so here's Bilbo's encounter with a certain dragon named Smaug. In addition we have Robin from yesterday

pinch, faith, repent, social, flash in the pan.
[Bilbo was saying…]
"Have faith mighty dragon and you'll not repent
Those dwarves you smell are a sociable pair*
Have faith and hear my story if you'll assent
And where I've been and why and where."

Smaug responds

"Go on and speak puny one but make it true and fair;
Pinch not pot nor pan nor precious locket.
Or the flash of my breath will singe your hair.
Out with it. What have you got in your pocket?"

*Smaug knows he's lying for he's sniffed out a dozen of his arch enemies
abate, latch, suntan, sketch, thanks "a-latte".
[Smaug continues , he's angry again]

"So what's your game little one. Sketch out your tawdry tale
What brings you to trespass my treasure trove?
Do you hope to unlatch my secrets? Is it gold you love?
You'll not abate my fiery rage should you fail .

You'll never see the rising sun.
I'll tan your measly hide.
And then upon the sky I'll ride
And scorch those dwarves, everyone."

[Bilbo responds]

Calm down oh gracious ,oh noble mighty serpent
I've a story you'll want to hear,
Of adventures far from here.
Then you'll thank me lots and reward me, not repent."
rhyme, robin, sickle, forget, before his time.
[Bilbo responds to the dragon]

"Riddle me this oh majestic being of olden times
Tell me of your mighty deeds in words, or better, rhyme"

[Smaug responds in a riddle]

"Men forget that there were days before time, 'fore hammer or the sickle
When maidens danced and robins sang. And too clever elves were fickle.
Who razed their city* with fire and flame and led the mighty horde?
Who ravaged the haughty elves and now guards the stolen hoard?"

*The City was Gondolin


Sandyanon said...


Wow! Just wow!

Misty said...

Intriguing story and language, Wilbur--many thanks for this gift.

Ol' Man Keith said...

March 4, 2022 Owen?
The date hasn’t changed, but I have the Jumble response ready. I will insert it here, then re-post when the new page appears.

Intro: I am a certified hypnotherapist, having spent a few years researching the relationship between the art of acting and “performance trance.”
I assure you that at least 50% of the following is true:

Trance Administration

Among hypnotic inductions, I favor one in which
the subject recalls the aroma
of a warm childhood scene. It works with hardly a glitch,
though once I caused a coma-
like spell in a police-department snitch.

A rare but real condition, for which “to chill” is the cure,
to use an icy release from trance—& all warmth abjure.