All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

24 Mar. 2022

|Smiley face| _money, tease, indict, proper, "rite" on time.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Owen, I had a terrible time with this solution, and I think it's because it's three words, not two. Could you take another look?

Ol' Man Keith said...

It is three words, Sandy.
The number of letters is correct, but the latter six blanks should be split in two, a 2-letter word followed by a 4-letter.

”This Ain’t Right!”

The indictment teased:
“Improper use of moneys,”
yet no crim’nal named!

OwenKL said...

Yes, I saw that too, when I worked the puzzle after I'd already set it up for today. I intended to correct when I added the color picture, but I forgot, and went too sleep before the color became available. Mea culpa on that, but the original appearance of the problem was due to whoever sets the puzzle for the website.

Misty said...

"Friendly Friend"

Murphy didn't have much money
but he was clever and funny.
He liked to tease
and to cheer and please,
and that made his "Honey" sunny.

He hated to fight
or people indict
and respected their right
to perform any rite.

All this proper behavior in his prime
made him her favorite boyfriend of all time.

Misty said...

Ol' Man Keith, you did it again: worked all four Jumble words and reference to the solution into your compact, disciplined rhyme. It's always a pleasure to track them all down, and there they were! Thanks for this daily fun!

Sandyanon said...

You know, OMK, I think it's an ingrained habit with some of us women raised in especially conservative 50's homes to say "I think" something, rather than stating it as something we know to be true. An effort to be polite? not to be 'pushy'?

As the saying goes, "Old habits die hard.".

Ol' Man Keith said...

Murphy seems like a decent chap, Misty, proving one doesn't need a lotta dough to be a welcome companion.
As long as there's no drama in his life, let's assume he would pass a challenge--if one should come his way.
Long live the Murphys, I say!

I dunno, Sandy... You reason well, but you mustn't limit your application of the "habit" to women of conservative backgrounds.
As a male from a fairly liberal home, I do the same thing.
In my first draft of many of my comments, I find I will frequently preface things with "I think that...."
Only in recent years (older than you are now) have I bothered to edit my words to remove that qualifier.

Sandyanon said...

Probably quite true, OMK. Interestingly, I have to remind mself not to use "I think" unless it's actually true, and sometimes I forget.

P.S. Not that much older than me!

Sandyanon said...

Ouch! Writing before thinking -- of course what you said is true of you, OMK. I should have said that the habit does apply to many men as well as women.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thanks for the laurel, Misty.
I appreciate your compliments for my humble haiku, although I am not sure I can accept praise for a "rhyme."
I did not try to echo any words in today's snippet, so any sound-alikes were unintentional.
Your ear might have picked up on the similar vowels in "teased" and "moneys," but you may have noticed that I try to avoid rhyming between stressed and unstressed syllables.
To me, that smacks of desperation.

BTW, I like very much your opening stanza today. You topped my limericks of yesterday with a limerick of your own.
Really nice to see you experimenting--and succeeding--outside those comfortable couplets.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Owen ~ Truly sorry to read in the Corner of your bank and family problems. That would come near to undoing me entirely, to face both financial and domestic distress at once.

On top of everything else, you endured a serious fall! More than ever before I admire your spiritual stamina (physical, too)--to come through such trauma and still post three laugh-worthy poems!

You simply amaze!

Sandyanon said...

Owen, may I join OMK in saying how strong and admirable you are being. You are the soul of this blog, and contribute so much to the Corner too, despite ongoing physical problems and now this awful event. I hope the support you're finding on these blogs helps.