All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

May 23, 2020

|| || savvy, drank, custom, embark, bad "carma".
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Easy enough. Terrible pun!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Okay. Whaddya get when you add a Scottish kilt to a curious girl adventurer who represents the fundamental principles of the cosmos?
Ans.--Plaid Dharma the Explarmha.

Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN Owen ~ it was good to see you back on the page! Truly sorry, though, that you're having a hard time--and that you have to wait 'til Tuesday for the pills to get straight.
Thank you for the warning & good wishes. I hope to get to the bottom of this (pun included) before much longer. I've had similar pains for about 3 years, but never this long or intense.
My old urologist ran tests and found--nada.
Quite frustrating, because the discomfort was real. He could only recommend PT exercises. At least the ER doc found an infection. That was something, although somehow I don't think it's the source of the recent pain.
I have an appt next month with a new guy who is highly recommended. I hope the plague will be lifted enough to see him in person.

Wilbur Charles said...

I echo Sandy eg ease of solve. A groaner* on the riddle-solution. I wanted "Bad Merc?". It was a Mercury, no? Or was it a Ford. Perhaps I should LIU and post a link.

Certainly, that thief** was not "with it" vis a vis "vibes". Ok, let's revisit Mr King. Btw, another blog debated "Best of King" with "The Shining" and another like it (tales of the strange eg most)

1958 Plymouth Fury


*Autocorrect inserted frisbee, Speaking of strange

Wilbur Charles said...

** It was a vandal and Christine got her revenge. I liked the novel but I think King had a problem ending it. But, I just had an idea: He was planning a "Return of Christine"

Wilbur Charles said...

Once Bilbo had drank from the elvish healing cup
He felt restored. "Rest" they said. But he was up
And about in no time. "Where were you my savvy wizard?"
"With the White Council. Battling Sauron southward".

"I had bad karma, the air had an unaccustomed pall.
I embarked quickly north only to encounter the wall
Thorin had built in his fortress and his dwarvish mind.
But come, the King is mortally wounded and you'll find
A different fellow since last you met him.
He fought heroically, his manner now not so grim."


Misty said...

Well, weird problem with this Jumble. I got the first three words instantly, but got stuck on the fourth. Then read the cartoon and got the solution right away, but it still didn't help me get the fourth word. Came here hoping to find it in Owen's or Wilbur's poem. But no poem. So had to google it and finally got it--Duh!--should have gotten it with no problem on my own. Not my best morning. But the sun is shining, the cleaners are here cleaning, and there's no reason why this shouldn't be a good day.

Thank you for giving us a fuller account of your condition, Ol'Man Keith. So glad you'll be able to get a new and hopefully much better urologist to deal with the problem.

Have a good weekend, everybody.

Ol' Man Keith said...

It was good to have Owen's message, and to feel reassured that he Is hovering--if not exactly landing--attending to us, his children.
I have a feeling that this weekend will see his dubbing. Maybe later today or tomorrow.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty, I was getting Bilbo out of bed while you were googling around. I take it the words were easy enough to spot.

The delay was 1. My Saturday hardcopy was in sun City and I was in Dunellon..2. I wanted a crack at the Saturday xword which I anticipated would be a brain drain*. It wasn't. 3. Putting those little rhymers together takes me some time.

Tomorrow I'll have to buy a newspaper in the morning. I hope Owen will supply the poetry for ten J's and two riddle-solutions.


* I was wary of online solving

Misty said...

Sorry, Wilbur, I thought I had responded and thanked you for your sweet Bilbo verse this morning. Wonderful how you worked all four Jumble words into the poem--and even buried one is a larger word, an unaccustomed poetic strategy in my experience. So many thanks for that--it turned our day into really good karma!