All hints are in the comments!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Sept. 18, 2020

|| || munch, peace, haggle, avatar, game changer.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

"Game Changing"
Patriots may haggle over which avatar
is better suited as this country's star--
the warlike eagle, or the peaceful dove?
Are we a militant land or a home for love?
Franklin wanted neither. He proposed the turkey.
You can munch it for lunch, then dry it for jerky.

OwenKL said...

Games are not like real life.
Your avatar will not be nice.
He will not try to sue for peace
Nor haggle for a fight to cease.

As you play while munching snacks
Your avatar activates an attack!
He's always vicious, always rages,
Never matures, and he never changes!

Misty said...


I'm going to have a nice lunch
with lots of treats to munch.
I need a day of peace
with newspapers to crease,
no arguments, no haggle,
just the fun of my sweet dog's waggle.
I'll play music on my guitar
with "Joy" as my avatar.
No hassles will endanger
this plan for a great life changer.

Sandyanon said...

This is what happens when I get up late; the poems are already here waiting for me.

First, it's really good to be seeing you on a more regular basis, Owen. Second, it's always fun to try to figure out ahead of time what the seed word for poems will be. Nailed it!
Third, this jumble was not difficult, though the aforesaid seed word, namely the fourth clue, came hard. The rather clever solution didn't.

Wilbur Charles said...

The horses were munching apples* peacefully in the lea
Gamblers haggled grumpily for their ilk never see
The spirit of races past. Their avatar is cold hard coin
The thunder of the stallions as into the stretch they join
Barely change their game face, the tote board is their god
For not the pure and noble equestrian style is theirs to cheer or laud.

** That word reminded me of this

[Smaug speaks](To Bilbo in the cave)

" Tell me rodent what brings you here? Have you come to take or give?
"Don't lie to me,rat, else those ponies munching apples won't have long to live.
"I know little sneak which pillar that you think you're hiding behind
"Speak quickly, worthless one, or I'll saute your thick behind"

[Bilbo responds[

"Oh mighty one it's only peace and praise to your majesty I bring"

[Smaug snaps back, but then changes his tone]

"Can the hoopla, maggot! But… Tell me friend, where's your precious* ring?"


Sandyanon said...

Nice to see more about the hobbit, Wilbur.

Ol' Man Keith said...

For Misty
I hope your lunch was as nice as you wanted.
Your poem suggested you would not be daunted
by news or views that might be at odds with
the simple delight of a dear little dog’s kiss.

And for Wilbur ~
Good to see you back, young sir,
back again in the pack, mon père!

Sandyanon said...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg leaves a huge hole on the Court, which I hope will not be filled prematurely. She was a great lady.

Sandyanon said...


Ol' Man Keith said...

Agreed, Sandy!
How sad that we have lost her.

Wilbur Charles said...

What horrendous lack of simple ethics. Denying Obama's choice and now wanting to rush through a conservative. What happened to letting the people choose, eg the President elect.

All logic and honor out the window ; in it's place pure selfish pragmatism.

What honorable person could vote for any Republican for any office.


Misty said...

Thank you for your kind message, Ol'Man Keith. My Dusty sends greetings and hugs to your sweet puppies too.