All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Sept. 19, 2020

|| || lyric, messy, vertex, autumn, "visual-eyes".
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

"Visualizing Fall"
Autumn is the season most lyric poets prefer.
It marks the death of beauty and of cherished dreams that were
once thought to be real, but now sadly lost to time,
to the messy vortex of relativism, or the clumsiness of rhyme.

R.I.P., R.B.G.

OwenKL said...

The lyrics to a song
Should bring before your eyes
A scene that else would be
Difficult to visualize.

A messy forest floor
After autumn leaves fall.
Red and brown and yellow,
Shuffling through them all.

The fright sent by your eyes
At a black tornado vortex,
As you see it coming closer --
Soon you'll be at its vertex!

Wilbur Charles said...

Well you two gents have certainly covered the poetic field. Such art so early. I take it you composed before tackling the CC.

And if course #1 was a perfect lead-in as I mentioned in my J preview. Hint to OMK, that opera "character" is not a person.


Misty said...

Well, I had trouble with both the fourth Jumble word and the solution, and came here for help. Ol'Man Keith provided the fourth word, and I then held my breath, hoping that Owen would provide the solution. He did, Yay, and I had the whole thing. Thank you, both, OMK and Owen. And now, to look forward to your poem, Wilbur.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

Sandyanon said...

It's good to see the poetry, but I am a little too depressed about events in and of Washington to comment anything more. Sorry.

Misty said...

Yes, the loss of RBG is simply devastating, Sandyanon,

Ol' Man Keith said...

I regret rhyme is so clumsy, unable
to give solace, too often trite or out of bounds.
Ruth was a giant. Her spirit, as in fable,
was magically packed in a petite black gown.

How can she be conventionally contained
in the common images and words we sing?
I struggle in vain; my language brings pain.
She deserves far more than such praise can bring.

There’s but one true tribute words can offer—
to confess the inadequacy of their author.
R.I.P., RBG.

Sandyanon said...

One more thing. Yes, I was pulling for RBG, but now I'm even more depressed because of the political outcome for her replacement that is so unfortunately likely. What she said a few days ago: "My fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed."

Misty said...

Lovely verse, Ol'Man Keith. We needed that today--thank you.