All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Sept. 9, 2020

|| || tempt, tiger, hoopla, loosen, a little short.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Didn't we have this before, it's "trifle" replacing the middle word?

"A Short Nibble?"
There was a lotta hoopla when the tamer
tried to tempt his tiger to attack.
But he upped the ante. The guy was clearly gamer,
next offering up his head for her showtime snack.
He jammed his grinning mug down that wild beast's throat,
& if she hadn't loosened in time... that've been "all she wrote."

Misty said...

"Crummy Jumble"

This was no easy coup-la,
and so receives no hoopla.
The clues did try to tempt
but got nothing but contempt.
Not even the physicist Geiger
could come up with a rhyme for tiger.
Not even our Governor Newsom
managed this puzzle to loosen.
So there's nothing but a snort
for this stupid little short.
You'd have to be a mongolian
to honor this Napoleon.

Sandyanon said...

So, I see that two out of four poets are morning people, but not Owen or Wilbur. Well, I did do the jumble, but no poetry from me!!

The solution leapt out at me before I even looked at the clues -- of which only the third gave me pause, and that one took awhile. I guess a pun should be obvious to be instantly funny, but this is a really old joke. I understand that Napoleon was about 5'6", by no means tall, but not really uncommon for the eighteenth century perhaps?

Ol' Man Keith said...

Churchill & Napoleon were the same height (5'6"), according to most records.

Stalin hid his height. Some records have him as low as 5'4". Truman (5'8") in his diary called him that "little son of a bitch."

Ol' Man Keith said...

It looks like our little salon is getting smaller.
Just three of us registering our presence...
Again, I thought of taking a break. But I worry that nobody at all will show up one of these days.

I got a chuckle from your poem, Misty. Your technique of denying possible rhymes and denigrating the Jumble itself while actually solving with clever answers is fresh & delightful.
I'm sure Mssrs. Geiger & Newsom would agree.

Sandy ~ I'm pretty sure we had a version of this solution before. I think it used "trifle" as the adjective. That's what I first thought it was going to be here, as the new word uses the same number of letters.

Misty said...

Ol'Man Keith, I miss Owen and Wilbur too, and I wish we could get some more Crossword blog folks to join us on this Jumble. Someone like Ray, who likes to do verses, would be great. And there must be others. Let's keep an eye out for any potential poets or wits that could maybe be contacted.