All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Sept. 8, 2020

|| || upend, onion, hubcap, method, "chompion".
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Rodrigo had decisions to make,
With only the course of his life at stake.
He could follow a life of crime
Stealing hubcaps to doing time.
Or find a way his life to upend
And pick a career on which to depend.

He knew no method that was fool-proof
To chose the route without a goof.
He liked to eat so he might be a cook.
Chopping onions for life as a schnook?
Much as he'd like something to chomp on
He'd look elsewhere for a career champion.

Wilbur Charles said...

In the annals of eating about the greater hub
None gained greater acclaim than Arthur, dubbed
Wimpy, capped by his exploits around buffets,
Restaurants, and unsuspecting cafes.

The gastronomic method he employed was partly cerebral
For example when he upended the would be champion
Known as Onion the big E by his erstwhile pals.
And when Artie had eaten his last morsel he was CHOMPION


Misty said...

Well, I'm a dog lover, so this morning's Jumble cartoon was a real treat for me. I had a little problem with the fourth word, oddly enough, but Owen's neat poem helped with that. And nice to have Wilbur's also delightful poem confirm the solution. Have to deal with a cell-phone problem today, so no time for a poem. Maybe later in the day--meanwhile, have a good day, everybody.

Sandyanon said...

Everybody but me and was early today! I actually solved the jumble late last night, in keeping with my recent night owl tendencies. It was not difficult, except for a hiccup with clue three. I thought the solution was a little weird, being not really a sound-alike word, but ok.

Ol' Man Keith said...

You beat me, Sandy.

The Hubcap Appropriators were the gang
of gangs in our old neighborhood. We kids
all sang their local glories. Our schoolyard rang
with tributes. But if their bikes appeared on the ridge
of the Union Street hill, we’d cower just the same
as their other victims. The Caps, as we called ‘em,
had a way of insuring loyalty—a lovely game
called the ‘Onion Method,” whereby they’d apprehend
a subject and upend him into a patch of leeks
or wild scallions, smelly bulbous plants,
and stomp him in those until he fairly reeks
to rid him of any lice or fleas or ants…

but mainly to keep his dearest friends at bay…
For who would defy the Caps
— to play with their prey?

Ol' Man Keith said...

Here's a freebie...

The Caps derived their name from the clever plots
they used to acquire cars—or constituent bits.
Some would hang around park-it-yourself lots
and wait till drivers slapped keys into their mitts.
Others lifted hubcaps—and whole tires—
pretending to change flats on quiet streets.
These days they grow as McOpportunity requires,
moving up from autos, seeing their loot increase.

As adults they make their fortune pimping & dealing,
giving jonesing knaves whatever they crave… McHealing!.

Wilbur Charles said...

I remember "Wimpy" on a trip to NYC ordering from McDonald's for the trip home: "Give me a six n six". Huh, we said? Six burgers,six fries. They know". We ordered our single burger, no fry.

Not to speak of what he , pugsly, panza et co could do to a buffet.


Wilbur Charles said...

Ps, Misty, when I solved the Tuesday CC I noticed the CSO to you. However, I solved Monday and had forgotten by this morning.

Ps, I've solved the entire week. You, Picard perhaps OMK too may have problems*. 1/2 dozen sports related clues. Hint: Check out Lemonade's LOU BROCK Link.
Of course, pour moi, the sports are a giveaway and fill a bunch of boxes.

And per usual, I was just going to take a peek and found my self solving. I had an appointment at seven and lo and behold looked up from my Wa-Post xword and it was 645. Evan Birnholz, to quite Fats, "is a pest"


*Referring to Saturday

Ol' Man Keith said...

* Referring to Saturday, WC,
'twas a piece o' cake!