All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Sept. 5, 2020

|| || sniff, buggy, metric, fibula, big fat grin.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

[In the Victorian era, there was a version of martial arts that was far more ferocious than is practiced legitimately today. The champion of champions would be awarded a special bat draped with fig leaves. Upon receiving his prize the champ would often grin broadly. Whence comes the title of this odic tribute.]

"Fig Bat Grin"
In the early days of MMA,
the rules weren't gentle as today.
Mayhem was expected at the least,
and even death. A champ was a beast
who didn't sniff at violence.
There was always a display of opulence
with personal bling and artifacts
shown in ceremonial pre-show acts.
Contenders arrived in glitzy buggies
with retinues of chanting buddies.
The fight commenced only after each side
bellowed ritual songs to deride
their opponent. Then came thuribles of sage,
courteous bows, and entrance to the cage,
when the atmosphere would grow electric.
Referees scored, using standard metrics,
giving points in each of the body's zones
for blows, gashes, and broken bones.
One of the worst of the disablers
was called the "grand Bi-bitchulator."
This was when (here's worthy trivia!)
one fractured both the fibula and tibia
in either--but not both--of the other guy's legs.

But no spitting! No!! That was against the regs.

Misty said...

"Marital Tiff"

The champ was a silly stiff
Who managed his wife to miff.
He said she was chubby,
she took off in a buggy.
She was only obstetric,
her weight was a metric
To give the champ a baby-ba,
so why was he such a fibula.
He quickly saw and apologized
Which gave her a marital win,
And so their marriage ended in
A very big fat grin.

Ol' Man Keith said...

As in "He told a fib
to explain his lies,
but U lah'd your way
wit' yer lying eyes"?

Misty said...

Much better, much better! Bravo! Ol'Man Keith! Bravo!

Sandyanon said...

Did the jumble late last night, when it was cooler. Too hot for anything now, though maybe not QUITE as hot as forecast. At least SCE doesn't have to worry about my ac using too much electricity, since I don't have any.

Best to you all.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Oh, Sandy!
I feel for you, I really do.
At least it's a dry heat.