All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Oct. 21, 2020

|| || witty, boxer, engine, season, set in stone.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Had a terrible time with clue two, but finally, finally it came to me. That gave me all the letters, and made the third solution word pretty obvious and that led to the others. So ok, I got the solution. Cute-ish.

I did like the weird little statuettes in the display case. And what is that in the glass dome thing behind them??

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sandy, dear Sandy ~
I'm sorry you had trouble with #2--and after I did my prescient best to spell it out for you in my poem just yesterday!

And Wilbur followed up with his own strong offering in his nighttime posting.
Maybe there is some value in our poetry after all.

Wilbur Charles said...

Here's that late poem posting

Though hardly humble he was often witty
At the drop of a hat out came a ditty
Season after season it was set in stone
This was a champion. He stood alone

But much like an engine that ran low on gas
Alas, even the greatest must finally pass.
Who was this boxer, just who could it be?
None other than the Greatest: Mohammed Ali


Wilbur Charles said...

Here's a musical hint frim S&G

I was chatting at the CC about the phenomenon of the brain. The frontal cortex may not have a solution but the cerebellum continues to churn away.

I was referring to the Agard Saturday monster awaiting all those who do not fear to tread. There will be grumblings galore come Saturday morning.


Sandyanon said...

But I should explain to you that I avoid reading hints. Prefer to do it on my own. Sometimes I give up, but then go straight to an actual answer.

Misty said...

"Stupid Jumble"

I wish I could find a ditty
about today's Jumble that's witty.
I could only rhyme 'season'
with reason and treason.
But what rhymes with 'boxer'?
Only foxer and soxer.
I felt like avenging
when I tried to rhyme 'engine.'
So this Jumble met my moan--
stupid thing was 'set in stone.'

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty ~ Your words may not be set in stone,
yet we read you w/o a groan.

Wilbur, I share your admiration
for the hero of a generation.
He sacrificed all, yet stood steady & calm
in opposing our folly in Vietnam.

Season after season, bell after bell,
Muhammad Ali,
champ of champs,
was the boxer nonpareil.

From early days, as Cassius Clay, it was clear the man could box.
He rang his rivals' curfews, while clickin' and cleanin' their clocks.

No pugilist was wittier, none with deeper integrity.
He was "rope-a-dope"
and anti-war
and an engine of change for society.

Wilbur Charles said...

Sandy, I'm the same way. In tomorrow's Jumble I couldn't grok the riddle-solution, the letters didn't add up.

But I had gone and done Fri and Saturday and the answer to Thursday was right under the Friday Jumble.

When I went back to Thursday I found that I had the wrong word for #3. I do that sometimes and because of that I usually recheck carefully.

So if I haven't solved I'll have to avoid going ahead. Those answers are unavoidable.


Nice effort, Misty. Reminds me of the says I was trying to fit words into Bilbo or Ivanhoe.


Misty said...

My goodness, two amazing poetic tributes to Muhammad Ali this morning! Thank you, Wilbur and Ol'Man Keith! I only wish he could be alive to read them.

Sandyanon said...

I really enjoyed your retelling of those stories, Wilbur. Miss them.

Wilbur Charles said...

Sandy, since I do love to see your input to this blog, I will check out Ivanhoe. When last I left him, Locksley, Richard, Gurth and the jester were in the dale. The Abbott had just arrived, isaac of York was there, Cedric and Rowena were leaving, Brian had absconded with Rebecca, Sir Bracy had galloped off and Tuck was messing with the Abbott's head.

There's s lot of plot vectors to follow. I had an idea that there was a musical in the story because of the characters. I'll have to re-read my Gutenberg.


Ol' Man Keith said...

I admire the chivalry of mythical knights,
like Percival, Galahad and Bors,
and Walter Scott’s bold, though fictional types,
champions in peace and in wars.

But, rare as they are, I can only feel
respect for a true soul of strength, the bravest
men who, like Ali—the real deal—
are living exemplars of honor, the “Greatest.”

After Liston, he was king of the ring, by God’s gift
and (his words) “…the prettiest thing that ever lived!"

Misty said...

Another lovely Ali tribute, OMK.