All hints are in the comments!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

1 Feb. 2022

Smiley face|| _linen, hasty, swerve, muffle, a swell time.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Randy was a dandy, Randy was a fop!
Randy was driving, pulled over by a cop!
His car was too noisy, it needed a muffler.
He said he had one at home of rabbit fur!

The cop asked if he was drunk or high,
Swerving down the road, hither and nigh!
He said he was hasty, going to a show.
He was in his linen suit, and really had to go!

The cop told Randy, I'm giving you a ticket.
He said I've already got one to this fashion exhibit!

He got to the show, showing off his suit so fine!
Everyone admired, so he had a "swell" time!

Ol' Man Keith said...


The Getaway

“We had a swell time, making that hasty swerve
to avoid the cops chasing us down route ten.
It took more than spin & a little verve!

That linen muffler on the hostage, Ben,
slipped enough for his scream to be heard,
so we let him go. His cry was absurd—
for every word was blurred or slurred.”

Misty said...

"More Romance"

The linen on her bed
made it clear she was well bred.
She wanted to show her Fred
that she was loving and hasty to serve
so their relationship would not swerve.

He was kind and did not want to muffle
any conflicts or avoid any shuffle,
yet did not any feathers ruffle.
So their companionship went well
and their sweet time together was swell.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Looks like all’s well for the three guys in today’s poetic entries. Copacetic endings for Randy, Fred, and even for Ben.
Owen’s boy seems a bit smart-alecky with his cop, but it doesn’t cramp his style. Owen’s own style embeds the J-words cleverly and even manages to give us a lapinal salute.
Misty’s Fred is lucky to be paired with a well-bred linen-bedded lover, one who appreciates his kindness, while J-hints are sprinkled throughout.
I guess all we can say for my Ben is he’s a good screamer.

Sandyanon said...

OMK, I posted rather late yesterday, but I hope you have a chance to read my last post.

Misty said...

Loved your poem about Randy, Owen. My favorite line is when the cop told Randy he's giving him a ticket, and Randy tells him he's already got a ticket to the fashion exhibit. Fun concept and cool rhyme.

Wow! And then another poem about cops chasing a car, this time with hostage takers and a hostage! So how did Ben manage to escape, if that's what he did, Ol' Man Keith?
Had to look up "copacetic," and gather it's a compliment. If so, many thanks, OMK.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I did read your very kind note last night, Sandy, and I thank you for it. We are still awaiting results from her ultra-sound and will find out what the Vet has to say. Fingers crossed.
It is a rough fact to face, that the life span of a dear pet is so short., But I think Nature has it rigged, so they rarely have to go on without us.
We must take care of them their whole lives. I think that's why we are expected to be the tough ones.

Misty ~ Yep, Ben is free. (See 2nd stanza, 3rd line.)
How? Well, the narrator apparently had sensitive ears!