All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

16 Feb. 2022

|Smiley face| _fable, blurt, peanut, palace, unflappable.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Once some Greeks, sitting at table
Asked Aesop to entertain with a fable.
He took a long drink, to moisten his voice,
Then blurted out a story of his choice.

"There once was a King, with a palace grand,
Bragged there was no better in any land!
The King of the Ants claimed his did excel!
His had TWO domes! In his half-peanut-shell!"

"The moral is, never think you are great.
There is always someone to take your place."
Aesop's listeners complained the tale was lame.
Unflappable Aesop said, "Do better for your fame!"

OwenKL said...

FLN, Keith, thanks for alerting me to the typo yesterday of I instead of It.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I have it on good authority that the original of the Hans Christian Anderson tale was the lowly double shelled goober. Here is how cancel culture turned it into the tiniest legume.

Unflappably Modern

The sages who pass fables along
are too woke to blurt allergens too.
Peanuts no longer have a place in their song,
as dietetically suspect —in their view.
Thus, the princess, bruised but through the palace’s feather pallets,
was the victim of a pea, not nut—despite Big Lie ballots.

Misty said...

"Feeble Fable"

Frank was unflappable and stable
when he was hired to write a fable.
The setting would be a palace
whose queen had amazing grace
until the kingdom went broke
and she was obliged to marry a bloke
who'd blurt words that were mean and curt
and did the queen's feelings hurt.
And so the fable ended in a total rut
and Frank's payment amounted to a peanut.

Ol' Man Keith said...

According to poets Owen & Misty, both Aesop & Frank could be displeasing to their hosts. Either through moral (the former) or penury (the latter).
Those who hire fabulists need to be more specific in their requirements, while the creators ought to demand payment upfront.
Anyone favor a Writers Guild contract?

Misty said...

Wow! What figures we have in our verses this morning: Owen's not totally successful Aesop, Keith's not totally comfortable princess, and unlucky Frank. Sounds like they all should have gotten a Writers Guild contract.

Wilbur Charles said...

When Chet blurted out "I love you", it wasn't a fable
For he truly meant it and vowed to be for her if able.
He wanted to build a palace and shower her with emerald lockets
Which was odd For Chet had barely peanuts in his pockets

But Lois knew shangri-la wasn't built in a day
She kissed Chet on the brow in her most unflappable way


Sandyanon said...

Good for Lois, Wilbur.

Wilbur Charles said...

I guess chet is a little bit like Owen's ant. He's dreaming big. Practical Lois know that a one bedroom apartment is in their future.

Misty, Frank's stoic mien was tested when he got stiffed.

OMK, only you could come up with that scenario but then again , wokedom came up with "No more flip charts!"


Ol' Man Keith said...

Yes, good for Lois, Wilbur, for showing such trust!
And thank you very much for your appreciation, although I am afraid the flip chart reference eludes me…

Misty said...

My goodness, Wilbur, the Chet and Lois love affair just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter. Touches my heart!