All hints are in the comments!

Monday, February 21, 2022

21 Feb. 2022

|Smiley face| _elder, agent, payout, coward, "precedent" day.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Started to explain my problem with this solution, but it got long and complicated, so .....

Ol' Man Keith said...

That’s OK, Sandy. The cartoon reminded me that I have only a very hazy recollection of the president who declared GW’s b’day a holiday.

Pay Day Factoid

Noel Coward’s new
agent’s pay out-earned his once
precedent elder’s.

Wilbur Charles said...

Chet is explaining the principles essential to recovery]
Although we respect the elders in the group we are all
Equal. There's ample precedent for slackers to fall
Victim to the disease. Change is a must and the primary agent
For change is willingness and courage- what is clearly meant
Is: Cowards are apt to fail. But if fearless and honest a new life
Can be found. The payout? happy, joyous and free and perhaps...
Even a new wife.

Sandyanon said...

Hey, Wilbur, they're not married yet, are they?

BTW, my earlier remark about my problem with the jumble solution involved grammar, and I figured people would find it nitpicky, so I desisted.

Misty said...

"Kindness Returns"

The elder fellow was an agent
who set an important precedent.
He helped a guy considered a coward
with advice that helped him get empowered
and soon over other fellows towered.

The next day, the the guy offered to pay out
his new funds to support a needy boy scout.
This ability to return a favor
let both men their newfound kindness savor.

Wilbur Charles said...

No, Chet and Lois are a couple and from what Chet tells me will get married sometime in the future

Misty, Chet and Lois would be proud of the fellow "paying forward".

And , OMK, you have indeed provided four J's in one Ku. Had to look for one of them.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Whew. For just a brief moment, Misty, I feared your reference to that "elder fellow" might be invoking a recent gubernatorial aspirant here in CA.
But I caught on fast enough to see your guy was a beneficient supporter of a former coward, one to start a chain of good deeds! In the category of "paying it forward."

Wise words from Chet, Wilbur, taking into account how many who try AA (or indeed any course of physical or spiritual rehab) are bound to fail. And yet, he understands how that cannot be used as an excuse not to test one's personal strength.
His words also remind me that whatever our own flaws, we can be excellent mentors & teachers.
We often know the wisest words, whether or not we can live them.

I was delighted over the weekend to receive a strange UPS delivery, a box labeled "Baked Goods."
I should know by now that what boxes say on the outside often bears little relationship to their contents. This turned out to hold two beautiful ceramic bowls, a gift from my elder son.
These were handmade (hand-fired?) by him, two shining (glazed) bronze bowls with quotations from Shakespeare inscribed around their sides. My son is an artist--and teaches art in his local high schools--but ceramics have never been his medium.
Until now.
Isn't it great when someone you love starts a new direction in life?

Misty said...

Ol' Man Keith, once again you amaze me with the way you worked all six Jumble words and solution into your brief, terse verse. Amazing. I counted them, and you worked the six Jumble words into a rhyme containing only fourteen words. In contrast, my verse contains sixty-four words, fifty more than yours. And I've even been trying hard to compact mine into smaller and smaller spaces, but I clearly have a long way to go.

Wilbur, Chet continues to argue the significance of change needed to formulate a better life. He's a good mentor to his listeners at this point.

Misty said...

OMK, what a gorgeous gift from your son! He is clearly becoming a brilliant artist.

Sandyanon said...

Well, then, Wilbur, perhaps one day we'll have a wedding to read about -- if the jumble words cooperate!

I do admire Chet's progress. I'm assuming Lois is right in step with him.

Wilbur Charles said...

[God] grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
COURAGE to change the things we can and
Wisdom to know the difference

AA prayer said at start or end of meetings


Sandyanon said...

By Reinhold Niebuhr, yes?