All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

17 Feb. 2022

|Smiley face| _singe, clone, batten, gossip, sent scents.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Really straightforward homophonic pun. Not much more to say!

Ol' Man Keith said...

I wouldn’t give ya two cents fer it, Sandy.
A nickel mebbe…

Ol' Man Keith said...

We can’t always tell the true from the false.
Authenticity is hard to confirm.

Scent of a Scent,

Foul gossip can burn your ears,
maybe singe your lobes in the process.
It may be a tale of battened peers,
or a libel of so-and-so’s cross-dress.

If your sense’s clone brings a whiff of cat scat,
your misguided nose may muse, “I smell a rat!”

Misty said...


Joan lived alone and was prone to moan
she wished she had a twin or a clone.
Living like this on the fringe
made her solitude ache and singe.
She tried her problems to batten
by sewing satin and learning Latin.
But then her gossip friend a message sent
telling her she was competent
and should make perfume with a lovely scent.
This skill helped Joan woo a gent
who now lives with her, and pays the rent.

Sandyanon said...

OMK, harking back to the Feb. 15 talk about newspaper subscriptions:
I read/scan every day online the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Guardian, and sometimes the Orange County Register. Not intensively, mind you, uness a topic or particular article is especially of interest. But I find reading online a better choice for information as opposed to opinion, than watching cable news. How about you?

Ol' Man Keith said...

Your Joan lucked out, Misty, in having a virtual pal in her "gossip friend."
That gal pal (it was a female, yes?) apparently knew all Joan needed was a little moral support and the idea of an odoriferous lure for gents.
Eh, Presto!
(I liked the batten/satin/ Latin sequence.)

Sandy ~ I hadn't really thought about comparing the media; they're such different experiences. I usually have CNN on in the background & find I absorb data and opinion while paying little attention. This doesn't mean I always agree with the opinions, but I can recall them with little effort.
Occasionally, when a breaking story grabs my focus, I will switch over to Fox (!) just to see how they are handling it.

Reading the papers on line is very different, in that I'm controlling which pieces to read. I ignore, skim, or delve, and the choice is mine, quite the opposite of the continually droning TV.

Sandyanon said...

OMK, re your second paragraph at 2:29pm, that's why I prefer online, though I sometimes check in with half-hour news from a broadcast channel like ABC or NBC, figuring news content will outwegh opinion.

I should try Fox occasionally, though, just to see the contrast, which I haven't done for more than a minute or so at a time! I must try harder not to live in a bubble.

Wilbur Charles said...

Chet Loved Lois's smile and the scent of her jet black hair.
It singed his psyche and sent shivers from his spine up into the air.
For he was no emotionless clone and Lois loved his demeanor
She would have it no other way - he was batting one thousand with her.

Yes, AA Tradition emphasizes Principles before personalities.
But gossip galore deterred the pair not; they were happy and carefree


Sandyanon said...

Gossip, huh? Is AA really so rule conscious that members who get together are gossiped about? Well, I suppose it could distract from the desired focus, but Chet and Lois seem to be reinforcing each other's commitment, and that has to be good. Stop the gossip and let them be, folks! Cheer them on!

OwenKL said...

Oh my gosh!
I finished the poem (one of my better ones, IMHO) a couple hours ago. Checking just, I have discovered I USED THE WRONG SET OF WORDS! This is for the words from the 17th, not the 18th!
Well, here it anyway, only 22 hours late.

Now I don't like to gossip -- but
Did you hear of his Uncle Ned, the nut?
He's convinced he's a clone of himself;
When he finds himself he'll come into wealth!

He once confused his nephew and the cat.
Hurt the feline's feelings, that's a fact!
He gave his nephew a stuffed mouse for battin',
And the cat a bat'n'ball for catchin'!

He heard that singed hair was in style,
So took a torch to his mustache -- and smile!
Ned claims he can smell pennies like incense,
A trait that he calls his unique cents sense!

Misty said...

Terrific poems from all three of you today, Ol' Man Keith, Owen, and Wilbur. Am dealing with a bit of a family crisis in the last two days, and so have not been able to check in more often and comment individually on all the lovely verses. But just want you to know that they've cheered me up--thank you!

Ol' Man Keith said...

I dunno about AA gossip, Wilbur, but “jet black hair” and “singed psyches” are enough to shiver my spine.
My response was 100% in tune with Chet’s.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Not to worry, Owen, I am sure you’ll catch up soon. And we, your offspring, are hardly ones to be critical.
Meanwhile, we are delighted to see you—and nutty Uncle Ned—whenever you choose to appear!