All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

26 Feb. 2022

||Smiley face| _patio, piano, sludge, hummus, tough as nails.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Some tall stories get out of hand.
I leave it to the reader whether this is over the top,
and if they’ve had Eee-…
”’Nuff o’ Tales?”

The patio piano was not a bright idea.
Rain warped its wooden sides,
left uncovered by Cousin Sophia.
Plus, I got high triglycerides.

… thanks to stressful tubs of hummus
spilled like sludge upon the keys
(by picnickers) wafting sticky, brumous
clouds, ‘though scrubbed by elves upon their knees.

Outdoor pianos’ll make you sick;
backyards ain’t fit to plunk music.

Misty said...

"Piano Practice"

The lyrical soprano
played her patio piano
and ran through all the scales,
though that was tough as nails.
After working through that sludge,
she enjoyed some hummus and fudge.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Your soprano, dear Misty, had a much, much better piano* than I had.
Probably placed it under an overhang.

Misty said...

Well, we've done it again, Ol' Man Keith: on a rare day when you give us an eleven-line verse, I just happen to come up with a relatively brief 7 line one. And, of course, we both came up with a PATIO PIANO--as if such a thing existed. I've certainly never seen or heard of one, but here they are, Cousin Sophia and my soprano both able to enjoy one. Fun Jumble all around.

Sandyanon said...

Kinda cute solution, but wouldn't it have to be toughER than nails? In order to be useful, that is.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I have seen patio pianos in my day. All uprights.
I've only heard one play, and it was out of tune.

My verse today got off to a good start. But refinements and re-writes made it too complex, ranging from triglycerides to scrubbing elves.
I shaved it down from imaginary scenes of picnickers balancing hummus sides on the music rack and side arms & my nearly having a stroke while inhaling "brumous" fumes.
After a while, editing cannot save the original spark.

I look forward to my day of rest.

Wilbur Charles said...

OMK, perhaps you were thinking of
"The frumious Bandersnatch!”

I imagine portable pianos get wheeled out for the patio party.
And plenty of hummus
For some of us
And don't neglect the fudge
And let it be thick as sludge

Hey, watch the grill? Don't fail.
Else the steak'll be tough as a nail

Ideally beer and wine will be served


Sandyanon said...

LOVE Hummus! Your party sounds great, Wilbur.