All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

18 Aug. 2022

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it! This 𝕮.𝕿. site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
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Image(s) from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Since August 2022, Wordle brags and links to original jigsaw puzzles are also welcomed!

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Shining Exodus

It takes real spleen
to go up against a champ.
But for solid prize money
and the pride of the camp
Lance was game.

His buddies kept vigil
as he trained through each night.
They paraded to the ring
on the day of the fight—
chanting his name!

The pugs took their corners
and sat on their stools.
Then the ref made the intros
and ran through the rules.

The bell rang Round One,
and the fighters came out…

In years to come
when folks talk of the bout,
they’ll claim, “Poor Lance
hadn’t a chance.”
For before he completed one breath and had time to exhale,
the camp watched him quail, fail, turn tail, and bail.

Misty said...

"Successful Surgery"

Sandy was not keen
to have surgery on her spleen.
She worried the procedure might fail,
bit it worked, and she could exhale,
thankful that her vigil turned out sunny,
and her insurance took care of the money.
Her example of never whining
made her a model who is brave and shining.

Wilbur Charles said...

Excellent Misty. If I say you've progressed poetically and today was a shining example

OMK, shades of Casey at the Bat but at least Case' took a whack at the spheroid


I'll post wordle in a sec

Wilbur Charles said...

Willie Nelson would say PAR for the course Wordle 425 4/6


Willie loves golf but golf is the scorecard not the hint


Misty said...

Wow! What a shining example of a terrific Jumble poem this morning, Ol' Man Keith, getting us off to a great start. Too bad poor Lance wasn't able to meet his match, but at least he gave it a heroic try. I still think he deserves a cheer! And so do you, for this delightful poem!

Many thanks for the kind words, Wilbur. Am looking forward to your Wordle. I'm a bit nervous about giving it a try without OMK's always helpful clue.

Misty said...

Wilbur, it took me as long to get today's Wordle as it took you:

Wordle 425 4/6


But at least we got it. Yay!

CanadianEh! said...

I’m late to the party, but I had a good Wordle score!
Wordle 425 3/6*


CanadianEh! said...

The Vigil

The money was nowhere to be seen.
He exhaled noisily,
Later he would vent his spleen.
It was a shining example
of being duped
By a con artist with a twang.

CanadianEh! said...

I see we all took a different meaning of spleen today. OMK, we have to feel sorry for poor Lance . . . to go down in history as one who bailed!

As Misty is wont, her offering is sunnier and has a positive shining ending for Sandy.

Nice Wordle work at 4 guesses, WC and Misty. WC, I’m guessing your two wrong letters in the third guess were R and N? Maybe the same for Misty?

Ol' Man Keith said...

There!, You see, Misty, you don't need my hints...
Perhaps it is time now to give you your freedom.

Your poem offers another model of plucky independence--
in "brave and shining" Sandy!
She too found she could do it on her own!

In her, you created a braver champ than my guy, Lance. I am glad you enjoyed my stanzas, but Lance did not quite make it as far as an "heroic try."
For all his preparation, he turned tail before the first punch. Wilbur saw he was no clutch hitter!

CEh! ~ Your short piece covered all the bases while speaking in the voice of a patsy--no champ he, but a poor chump.
I appreciate your sympathy for my "poor Lance." I return the honor, as I see you and I both went with the loser this time.

All three Wordlers did well w/o hints.
I must say I am surprised that the creators seem to be stuck in the "TW-" part of the dictionary.

Misty said...

CanadianEh!, just so sorry your "Vigil" hero was duped by a con artist, poor guy.
But I like the way we have up and down stories to tell each morning--I think our variety is what makes our blog interesting.

Also nice to see all the Worle's this morning. OMK, I love your clues every morning and would still love getting them. I'm still the kid among you great Wordle folks.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your very kind words this morning, Wilbur--you've made my day! And I'm always looking forward to more Chet and Lois stories.

Wilbur Charles said...

C-eh. Nope. THANK was #3
By that time I was out of possibilities. Fortunately, Wordle has gone off key lately

Then again Willie made a career of "off key"

I wanted to combine Thurs +Fri but I can't grok the riddle-solution for Friday

Two gloves are conversing about hard throws and line drives being missed. 7 and 7


Wilbur Charles said...



OMK is really good at that stuff

Wilbur Charles said...

Bingo, I just got it. Now for the combined C&L

Wilbur Charles said...

[Nora and Charles are chatting about the lovebirds]
You can exhale now, Charles, no need for that constant vigilance
You must admit that Chet and Lois are a shining example of today's youth. "
"Nora, m'love, let me just say one thing. Your fondue is the truth"
"I'm not talking about snacks to suit your spleen. At first glance

You didn't think this was a match made in heaven. You of the furrowed brow
I heard your offhand remarks that Chet would never take a vow"
"Nora, sweetheart, you must admit that I've come around, eh honey?"
"Yes, Charles, you surely have. That wedding will cost beaucoup money"


Wilbur Charles said...

And of course

Wordle 426 6/6


Double bogey but "Phew"

Given the four letters only two choices remained for the last letter.


Misty said...

Woohoo! I was really hoping for a Chet and Lois verse today, and here at the end of the day, you gave us one, Wilbur. Wonderful! And it's great that things are still moving forward.
Thanks so much for bringing my day to such a good end.