All hints are in the comments!

Friday, August 5, 2022

5 Aug. 2022

Please go to, then return here to discuss.
|| 5 August 2022
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

FLN: Keith, Thank you, thank you, thank you! You did just fine setting up yesterday, and I used the test page you set up to jump-start today's entry!

Second day in a row I forgot to set up the new date. Yesterday I didn't even notice I'd forgotten until I posted my poem Much later in the day. Still haven't done today's J nor CW, So need to sign off and get to them.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Glad that could work, Owen! 
Clumsy as it is, if you add in the correct link to the Tribune—in better format than my effort—it should not take too much time to renew that much.

And here is my reply to your verse, FLN:

The stanzas you posted, Owen,
offer the wisdom of an old Zen koan,
eliciting from me the softest moan.

My pessimism inclines to your final type.
For I doubt the steady Sunday School hype,
though drilled in hymns with an organ pipe.

But pessimism’s not the right name.
If I’m to label my mood; nothing so lame
can christen this preternatural game.

This interplay, till now, of cat-and-mouse
(as intimate as spouse to spouse)
must soothe & calm, the end to my end
I hope to welcome as a benevolent friend.

Wordle 412 Hint: A noun & adjective; with one vowel & a doubled consonant; a vehicle for two, or a rolling bed for an infant.
Par = 3
Wordle 412 1/6


Today’s haiku:

“Writing B Marks

(Or, First Rules for ‘Spontaneous’ Birthday Parties)”

To trick or ambush
rigid guys, you’re obliged to
engineer surprise.

OwenKL said...

Some fathers hold to a rigid rule
That to tell "Dad jokes" isn't really cool.
So they need to find some other way
To embarrass offspring, day to growing day!

Something mechanical, making things to tick,
Like a gaudy art car, that might do the trick!
Supercharge that engine, risers on those wheels!
Who wouldn't want a Dad, like the one who peels!

Biting remarks, said with sarcastic flair
May be toxic smoke clouds, to clear the angsty air!
They'll beg you for jokes like the bacon-shrub affair,
Which must be avoided -- it's a ham-bush out there!

Wilbur Charles said...

Reposting my

Wordle 412 6/6


I saw your "hint" OMK. The solution word indeed has more than one meaning

As I said, FLN, it reminded me of our working in the dark on our new farm. In fact the exact words of Betsy

So Misty, you have two types of hint. It seems like the majority of wordles employ the same letter twice


OwenKL said...

FLN: Thanks for the support and encouragement Misty. Actually, I've been keeping logs of them. I used to do 3 or 4 l'icks a day at CC, and daily here at JH. 365 per year, 3-4 l'icks per page, I've got enough material on hand for ~34 volumes of crossword puzzle poems (starting Sept 2013), and at one per page, ~16 volumes of Jumble poems (starting June 2018) I've got the first 2 of each series laid out in PDF for immediate printing, (~150 pages each for CW, ~90 for J), and (librarian) Bren is supposed to be looking for an agent or publisher for me, but I doubt she's really trying.

Oh, also about ~600 digital paintings with a l'ick for each (also 2-4 variations on each, but no separate poems for them.) Make a couple coffee table books there. Those are all puzzles on Jigidi

Misty said...

"Party Feud"

The party mood became dark
when Rick made a biting remark.
His victim's face became rigid
and everyone's spirits were frigid.
Then the victim decided to ambush
and gave Rick a mighty strong push.
That engine did the trick,
and Rick now has some wounds to lick.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty, violence? At a party? Deserved it seems; Rick accepted the push as "just desserts"

And re. OMK and OKL religious skepticism...

I once Googled "Spiritial Experience" and ...
1. Found a long article about Karl Jung
2. A long article by a mathematician asserting that said experiences (serndipity) can be explained by the laws of chance

Those who experience #1 tend to not be swayed by #2


Ol' Man Keith said...

Revenge against Rick, Misty?
That seems uncharacteristic of you. But I guess his biting remark forced your hand.
We are at the mercy of the given J-words AND our own feelings in response.
(It may be why I chose to Spooner that phrase.)

Wilbur’s note about the Wordle having “more than one meaning” prompts me to offer you another hint.
It can describe a windshield after a sunny day’s trip.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Whether B stands for “Birthday” or refers to the school mark my “Rules” received, that’s up to each reader now.
There’s always a gap between one’s aim and the target—as illustrated by Owen in today’s Dad/Junior interface.
His verse takes on one aspect of an eternal generational conflict, and does a fine job leading up to that sweet play with “ham-bush”!

Misty said...

My goodness, so many wonderful verses to deal with on this blog this morning, starting with Ol' Man Keith's surprising not-at-all pessimistic poem with a cat and mouse as friendly as spouses. Delightful.

And this was followed by Owen's neat further discussion of proper ways to deal with Dad jokes and avoid biting remarks. Also a pleasure.

Wilbur, I'll do my best to keep both your and Keith's comments in mind when I tackle today's Wordle. Hope it works out and that I do okay.

Have a great day, everybody!

Misty said...

Woohoo! Thanks to Ol' Man Keith's very helpful hints I was able to get today's Wordle in just a singly try:

Wordle 412 1/6


Thank you, thank you, OMK--it helped having once had a baby.

Misty said...

Sorry that my Worldle answer got erased when I had to fix one of my signs.

Hope it works this time:

Wordle 412 1/6


Misty said...

Owen, what an amazing record of verses you have, over so many years! And what a wonderful idea to collect them and have them published in book form! I will definitely keep my fingers crossed and hope and pray it works out. And if it does, let me know and I will definitely order and buy your book on Amazon!

Misty said...

Owen), I just remembered something I wanted to tell you about possibly self-publishing your poetry.

During my sweet husband's last decade, he and I wrote two mystery novels together. We knew we couldn't get them commercially published, but we discovered that we could pay to have a press publish our books. So in 2009 we published "Murder at Astron Bay" (by Rowland and Margot Davis, our names, well, my married name) and in 2012 "Death in Laguna Beach" (also by us), both published by a Press called Publish America in Baltimore, Maryland. I don't remember how much it cost, but they did a lovely job and I still treasure my copies of the book. So you might think about looking into that as a possible venue for your poetry.

Misty said...

Wilbur, forgot to say that your hint about the double letter in the Wordle was actually crucial to my good luck this morning. Thank you for that too.

Also thanks for your fun comment about Rick's "just desserts."

And how are Chet and Lois doing? Any news coming up this weekend?

CanadianEh! said...

Where are my posts going?
I have lost two today!

Ol' Man Keith said...

I didn’t see them, CEh!
Were they your Wordle levels, or a Jumble response?

CanadianEh! said...

They were Wordle.
I have noticed some going missing for the last while; I thought I was not completing my posts correctly. But I saw them post today . . . then gone later. Odd.