All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

14 Apr. 2022

|Smiley face| _prong, mommy, exceed, hymnal, made more money.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Anticipating the coming meal,
every parishoner with a sweet tooth …

Prayed for Honey

Close your hymnals! It’s
church potluck! Mommy’s forking
prongs exceed the best!

Misty said...


Mommy made some good money
telling jokes that were clever and funny.
The family had happily agreed
to help her in times of need,
but her success did all that exceed.

So they decided on a new prong,
and wrote her a lovely song
in a hymnal she now carries along.

Sandyanon said...
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Sandyanon said...

I think this solution is clever and kind of chuckleworthy. Yay!

Misty said...

So what did Mommy cook for everybody to serve at her potluck, Ol' Man Keith?
Hope it was delicious!

You did it once again: worked the 7 word Jumble into your 14 word verse. I just counted mine, and I needed a 44 word verse to get them all in. But both systems work great, I think, and it's good for the blog to have different styles and forms for responding to the Jumble. For that reason alone, I hope Owen and Wilbur will check in with us today.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sounds like your "Mommy" is a stand-up comic, Misty, while mine only exists for her potluck specials. Glad yours earns good money (it's a notoriously underpaid occupation), so the family doesn't need to chip in so often.
With that new hymnal, maybe she specializes in church audiences--in a super clean act...?

I believe on the date in question, mine made her 25-person potatoes au gratin. Yummer! She specializes in potato dishes, including a roast potato special with crispy jalapeños sprinkled liberally.

Wilbur Charles said...

[Chet is back with his sponsee, Eddie on his bi-weekly step work]

Eddie, we must finish with Step One before progressing.
There's two prongs to powerlessness:
Picking up the first drink is like the snapping of a bowstring
But lack of a program will lead you to a drink nevertheless.

I can't be your mommy and the Big Book is not an hymnal
I'm not making a lot of money and I can't be your pal
There's no shortcuts, you have to want to succeed
In other words don't do the minimum, strive to exceed


Wilbur Charles said...

Fln, I looked up the "Rust shooting " and it says it was a revolver which precludes my theory

But incredibly stupid carelessness can never be discounted.

Misty, yor poor office worker can't even cuss. Everyone is pulling rank on her.

OMK, not only four J's but an haiku that works story-wise


Sandyanon said...

So, Wilbur, Chet is careful not to make the program sound easy, which is, of course, necessary. If people start out convinced that it's going to be very difficult, I'm sure they don't discourage quite as readily.

Anxious to know Chet and Lois' next decision.

Ol' Man Keith said...

AA really does spell out the difficulty, doesn’t it, Wilbur? Chet is preaching gospel.
I wonder if encouragement always follows—to balance the heavy dose of reality?

Misty said...

Thanks for checking in with us, Wilbur.