All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

16 Apr. 2022

|Smiley face| _prior, laugh, yellow, squirm, religiously.
Image(s) from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Sandyanon said...

Another solution that jumps right out at you. I can see the figurative meaning ok, but literally? Maybe they genuflect before getting on a stationary bike?

Ah well it is a play on the word.

Wilbur Charles said...


I know it's late but I want to explain the "gender" usage. It's general AA dogma that men stick with men and vv. A lot of it comes from the mother hens protecting their newly sober chick's from what is known as 13th stepping.

When Lois reached out at that seedy bar one factor was that should she , a woman, be "12 stepping" a man.

Fortunately, she didn't let the gender thing deter her


Ol' Man Keith said...

Thanks for the “gender” clarification, Wilbur.

Cries are a Coward’s
Religious Prayer

The gang all laughed when
the yellow wimp’s cries outdid
his prior squirming.

Misty said...


Prior to singing in a choir
Lily acquired a lyre.
She kept it in a case that was yellow,
and its sounds were pure and mellow.
Her music was so clear and firm
it made no one laugh or squirm.
And so religiously at church she played,
after the congregation had prayed.

Sandyanon said...

Wilbur, I'm glad Lois isn't rejecting Chet, as, for a moment, I feared she might be!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Your melodious verse, Misty, took me back briefly to my days in the Presbyterians, when I sang (also briefly) amid the choir.
(I can picture myself in my black skirt and pleated white top, thrilled to be singing, “Hallelujah”!)
Lily would have been welcome playing her lyre, especially if it had been substituted for our minister’s sermon on one particular Easter Sunday. The church was packed that day. She would have had quite the audience.

Misty said...

How wonderful to hear that you once sang in the choir of your Presbyterian church, Ol' Man Keith, although it's hard to picture you in that costume. But I can sure imagine the thrilling sound of your "Hallelujah."

Yes, I almost wish I could visit a church somewhere tomorrow on Easter Sunday. But instead it will be a quiet day at home, with the thrill of the day coming when I feed my late husband's sixty or seventy-year old turtle in her big pen in the big yard. She doesn't have much energy but still loves her lettuce.

Have a great Easter Sunday tomorrow.

P.S. Just remembered that a neighbor around the corner of our big circular street invited two friends and me to a family dinner tomorrow night. Woohoo! A chance to get out of the house!

Ol' Man Keith said...

WooHoo, Indeed, Misty ~ I'm delighted you will be among friends for an Easter supper!
Yes, I was Presbyterian back in the day. As a kid, I was exposed to a range of denominations. I am a non-theist now, but I appreciate the glories of religion. Charities. Art. Selflessness.

I think my choir "costume" should be easy to picture: It was the standard gown and surplice that acolytes wear, serving a Mass.