All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Dec. 28, 2019

|| || tuner, tinge, global, disown, it won't be long.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed!
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Oppernokity, the renowned instrument tuner,
Was not happy with Oppernokity, Junior.
Coveted by concert halls all over the globe,
His son appeared to have tin ear lobes!

The boy hadn't a tinge of a perfect pitch.
Seemed destined to life digging a ditch!
The father was ready to disown his boy
When the youth came up with a better ploy!

He had an ear pierced where it won't belong,
In the helix at the top, and hung a prong.
A tiny mobile made of tuning fork tines --
When a pitch is just right, his earring chimes!

OwenKL said...

No significant change in my domestic situation. I at least know which hospital she's in now, so her physical wounds are being cared for better than my inept attempts would have been. But she still seems to be intermittently off the rails, so I hope they hang on to her for a while this time. Such breaks, I'm told, usually take a couple weeks to run their course, tho sometimes much longer.
As for my poetry, it's my escape, so the better it is, it's likely the worse I'm doing. 😔

Sandyanon said...

Owen, I enjoy so much reading your poems, here and on the Corner. But I hate to think they signify that you're having a bad time. I hope very much that things improve in your life, whatever that means for your writing.

I think of you often and wish for you a happier new year.

Misty said...

Owen, you are in our hearts at this difficult time, and I'm glad writing such neat poems is a help to you. We certainly appreciate them.

This Jumble was a toughie for me and I needed your poem to help me with two of the words. But even that didn't give me the solution, so I had to look it up. But what a clever, clever Jumble! The solution works perfectly with the conversation between the writer and the editor. And I loved seeing the image of Shakespeare on the fellow's T shirt. Lots of fun even if I did need help getting it.

Ol' Man Keith said...

A delightful poem, Owen, although now it is difficult to praise what may be a sign of sadness in your life. A day ago you wrote "TMI" to warn us of entering further into your world. But we all read on--because we do care, and I have to trust your link between the quality of your verse and the hardship you face is not a hard-and-fast rule.

OK. Let's see what I've got for today's solution...
Last night I struck a bargain with Lucifer. Yes, it was a Faustian bond betwixt Mephisto and myself. He insisted we repeat the Devil's mantra 'til late night hours, loudly & often, until the heavens heard it groan. Be wrong or right, I expect to win many powers before it's my turn to pay.