All hints are in the comments!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Sunday 20 Nov. 2022

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it! This 𝕮.𝕿. site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
Monday thru Saturday, but not Sunday, you will also find a Printable version at the A𝖗k𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖘 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖙-𝕲𝖆𝖟𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 , from about ~11 pm (MT) yesterday.
A color Interactive version is available from 3 am (MT) today at the 𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖔 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖚𝖓𝖊

Image(s) from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Since August 2022, Wordle brags and links to original jigsaw puzzles are also welcomed!

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

Expecting the Exceptional

How do we manage to produce a daily ditty?
Surely, it must tax each foolish brain
to trust that, suff’ring such a steady strain,
we’d arrive at anything “witty,” much less “pretty.”
Owen began this regimen we follow,
but isn’t he (as they say) “one of a kind”?
Should we expect to find another mine
with such prodigious art? That’s hard to swallow.

Put expectation of perfection on hold,
and allow that what we post is often junk,
it still demands an inordinate amount of skill.
So let’s not try too hard. Nor be too bold,
but content ourselves as hacks, churning out bunk.
Sunday? [sigh…] No *#@! way. Ima. Chill.

CanadianEh! said...

Reposting from yesterday’s blog
OwenKL- as OMK said, I was not looking for the Wordle in your poem. I see it now cleverly hidden at the beginning! I will make a note to watch for it.

CanadianEh! said...

Wordle 519 5/6*


I started with the vowel-rich word, but would have fared just as well with my usual starter word (that I used in guess two). Then it was a matter of finding that fourth letter (like WC). Yes WC we do need valour today.

CanadianEh! said...

Sound Tip (for) Rickets

Pirate with parrot squawk “Good Day”,
Inuit crouched on a sleigh,
Braved the absurd new seas,
And discovered that limes and cranberries
Are potent sources of Vitamin C.

CanadianEh! said...

Love your offering today OMK.
Yes, we may not be expert poets, but we have fun . . . and isn’t that the point.
Plus we are learning and improving our skills.

Misty said...

"Pirate Pets"

Paul was a potent pirate
who loved to hear animals squawk,
so getting a parrot was his high light
and he then got his new pet a hawk.

Having two birds was a bit absurd
but in winter he bought them a sleigh,
on which they crouched and purred
and on a round-trip got on their way.

CanadianEh! said...

Haha Misty. I love your pirate with two birds. . . and giving them a sleigh. And the parrot had learned how to mimic a cat and purr. How absurd!!

Misty said...

Oh dear, CanadianEh!, sorry to hear that your poor Inuit has rickets. Hope the pirate gets him all that Vitamin C he'll need to recover.

Looks like Wordle was tough for both you and Wilbur. Hope I can get it in five tries like the two of you did. I'm not sure my Wordle site allows six tries!

Misty said...

Woohoo! Woohoo! Got my Wordle in just three tries:

Wordle 519 3/6


Now on to solving the Sunday crossword puzzle designed by our wonderful home team, Boomer and C.C.

CanadianEh! said...

Great work Misty. You did well to get first and fourth letters in your third guess. There were a lot of options. Did my hint help.

I have egg on my face, because I tried to make my title a Spoonerism (sorta!). But I have the wrong disease/Vitamin deficiency. Rickets is a bone disease caused by lack of Vitamin D; Vitamin C deficiency results in scurvy. I was thinking of the pirate and sailors on the sea getting scurvy, (and taking limes on board to prevent), and our indigenous people knowing that cranberries, cedar tea prevented it.
The pirates and sailors would get enough sun to prevent rickets. Inuit diet with fish and seal would abound in Vitamin D.

Let me revamp.

CanadianEh! said...

I’ll take a MULLIGAN today

Sound Tip (for) Rickets

Pirate with parrot squawk “Good Day”,
Inuit crouched on a sleigh,
Braved the absurd new seas,
And discovered that sunshine and fish
Are potent sources of Vitamin D.

OwenKL said...

"Wrong Side Of The Tracks"

Only the courageous few
Dare cross Bromine Avenue.
That old bromide
About track side
Takes meaning when that road's in view!

Wilbur Charles said...

Late as usual with a two day combo

[Lois is a presenter at the Group anniversary meeting]
"I want to present this 18 month coin to my best friend Chet "
"This is absurd" thought Chet, "but I better not squawk, she'll get upset."
"He's built himself a potent resume and his stock keeps going up
The group decided a year and a half for a coin in lieu of a cup."

"He's applied himself and slayed the dragon named alcohol
He's learned to handle issues and keep his eyes on the ball
From the pirates den to the cat bird seat he climbed with no safety net
By never crouching in fear he's made the one way not the round trip ticket"


Wilbur Charles said...

I see Owen slid a wordle into his poem
Sleighs and pirate certainly do require imagination and you two have kept up the tradition

AA coins are traditionally given for years of sobriety but 1 1/2 is often recognized hence Chet's initial discomfort.

Too many do cone to the halls on a round trip ticket eg Getting a cake then relapsing. Chet looks like he'll go the distance.


Wilbur Charles said...

Note on wordle. The classic starter word worked well but I stubbornly try to use no E if a J is available.

Have #3 and#5 does indeed present a lot of choices but I'd eliminated a lot of letters in my first two guesses.

I actually tried QUAKE trying to outguess the wily wordle editors


Misty said...

Wonderful Sunday, with terrific offerings from everyone.

Keith takes Sundays off but still started our day with a great comment about writing poetry, and including a lovely tribute to Owen, who checked in a little later to give us some bromide on Brovine Avenue.

Wilbur came on board next with his neat Wordle, for whose production he later gave us an interesting explanation. But that was by no means his only contribution. Soon Louis gave a wonderful tribute to Chet with some cool Jumble words worked in.

Then we get a multi-talented CanadianEh!, offering gifts in every direction, from a Wordle followed by a Sound Tip verse as the beginning of a round trip, followed by tributes to OMK and yours truly, along with fun discussions of rickets, pirates, vitamin deficiencies, and a Mulligan. And then Wilbur returned with beloved Lois, and another tribute to Owen.

I'd say Sunday blogs don't get much better than this. Joy all around, predicting a great week ahead.