All hints are in the comments!

Thursday, December 29, 2022

29 Dec. 2022

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for today's Jumble, Printable or Interactive. Then return here to discuss it! This ๐•ฎ.๐•ฟ. site was available from 6:00 pm yesterday (Mountain Time).
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Image(s) from the Internet.
The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is NOT required.

Since August 2022, Wordle brags and links to original jigsaw puzzles are also welcomed!

Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual Jumble or Wordle answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Initially, having a vote of confidence
Might change a Prime Minister's residence.
From Ten Downing Street
He'll have to retreat
And let someone new take residence!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Today’s Jumble haiku:
(It’s not as if she was indiscriminately promiscuous. She just had a generous, if imprecise, way of “covering the field.”
She was happy to…)

”Do her [thing] Rough[ly]”

Faith spread love through the
census. I cringed. “Heck, Rex,” she
said, “I’m fond’yue” too.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Wordless 29 Dec. ‘22
Par = 4
Wordle 558 3/6

“Here. Have two. They’re small.”

Wilbur Charles said...

A Wednesday, Thursday combo

[Nora has invited Chet and Lois for dinner to discuss parental atonement]

"Don't mind the post-holiday train wreck I've barely time to freshen up
Charles is still at the office on another global acquisition needing wind up
No need to get spruced up we spurn over-formality around here"
[Lois chuckled]
Knowing Nora never goes casual. "She'll have fondue, never fear"
[Chet added]
"Have faith, Nora has good sense and loves to have us hop over
Plus she really knows her stuff, I can't wait to smell the odor
Much like the scent of newly cut grass in the early summer
A night at Nora's is always a blast and never comes up a bummer".


Wilbur Charles said...

Here's an earlier use of that word
Chet and Lois made a fun duo hanging out front of the AA Campus
Munching cashews, listening to the stereo - they both loved Rush.
Privately Lois wondered about Chet's income, could he support
A home for two or maybe more and not fall short?

But he was a peach of a guy who'd come a long way from that dive
And taking it a day at a time and God willing, they would thrive

CanadianEh! said...

Yes WC, the Wordle certainly played … with my brain too before I got the Phew!
The initial usual starter was next to useless, by third guess I was fighting in the cartoons, then with my sweet … , and finally I grokked the win.

OMK- what was your W starter? Not the vowel-rich or Bot- word?

Back later. Still cleaning up from yesterday.

Misty said...


Nancy felt that the car wreck
had caused the hurt in her neck,
creating pain in her other senses.
All this her doctor well knew,
having studied a previous census.

Nancy went home and enjoyed a fondue,
her week had been a bit rough.
But she had faith and took the view
that she was done with all that stuff.

CanadianEh! said...

Faith, our British cook, transplanted to the shores of Lake Erie, plans her menu for the day. Remove the overworked stew and add something exotic?

(Pronounced with a Cockney accent)
Stew (h)E(r)nough

Faith senses the diners’ need
For a warm and filling meal
After the Buffalo storm.
Have octopus?
No, make the fond - unique menus will wait.
She’s serving Beef on W(r)eck.

CanadianEh! said...

Owen- technically, that British Prime Minister would have to lose the vote of confidence to lose his residence at 10 Downing Street. Were you using “having” for the hidden W?
Funny how we both turned to the British today.

OMK- and we both had a Faith.
I LOLed at your backstory, and then roared mightily at the actual haiku.
We do each have a unique way of using the J words. I loved “fond’jue too”!

WC- Can invite myself to that dinner at Nora’s? It sounds like a wonderful evening. And Chet and Lois must be friends if AnonT if they like Rush.

Misty- sounds like Nancy had a rough week like yours but is determined to put it all behind her. Of course, a fondue (chocolate maybe) will fix most anything! Hope your day is brighter now. How is Clauder?

I have pored through many a Saskatchewan census looking for DH’s ancestors. The surname is so misspelled and mangled by transcribers that it never appears in the Search function. This leaves me to search by the coordinates of their homestead. Lots of fun detective work. I have been fairly successful, but it is an ongoing process, as new clues are found, or new info released.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Glad you enjoyed Rex’ response to my Faith’s activities, CEh!
I liked your Cockney gal. I am still working on the last line, deciphering “Beef on W(r)eck”…?!

For my W starter, I was using an old witch, a variation on Bot #1, substituting the orphan vowel (“O”) for the “A.”
A good day for trying that!

Misty said...

My goodness, lots of fun-due activity on this blog this morning, making it clear that everybody is on the same wave-length to some extent.

Liked your verse, as always, Owen, many thanks for that.

Ol' Man Keith you made us especially fond-of-you with your "Hecks, Rex."

And, CanadianEh!, I found your unique fond-unique menu especially tasty! And thank you for asking about Clauder. He still has to see doctors every few days, but is able to shop and help again.

Wilbur, what a great offering from you this morning. So glad that Chet and Lois make a fun-duo, and that Nora "knows her stuff."

Fun-dayo, everybody, many thanks!

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty ~
Your Nancy has had a rough time with the pains from that wreck. Her neck injury has triggered negative reactions throughout other sensory systems.

At least you left her on the road to recovery--not a totally beak ending. She hasn't yet attained that "happily-ever-after" status, but it is good to know she has a fighting chance.
Her faith should help. Some doctors swear by it.

Wilbur Charles said...

Breakfast Station has a breakfast option on called "Ship wreck". Some concoction loaded with that country gravy the locals love


Ol' Man Keith said...

Wilbur ~ I'm glad I Googled "Rush" before settling on the more obvious (to me) name, i.e., that of Mr. Limbaugh.
To anyone not in touch with modern romance, I'm afraid that old political con-artist pops between them and... anything beautiful.
But I thank you--and Chet & Lois--for guiding my discovery of Jennifer R.
I listened to "The Power of Love" several times. I wish now she had also recorded "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina." She has the power to lift such a transformative number to its acme.

As for C&L, it is good to find them sharing a favorite singer--as well as appreciating Nora's fine hospitality. Lois may come across today as a little too cunning (calculating?) as she appraises Chet's income, but I suppose it is only natural for a wannabe bride to wonder whether she's gonna need to keep working or not.

CanadianEh! said...

Misty- good news re Clauder.

OMK- you are at a California disadvantage today. Even the Google search is probably based on your location.
Beef on Weck is a Buffalo favourite (hence my reference to that city and fond(ness).

And I believe WC is referring to Rush, a Canadian rock band (often referred to and linked by AnonT). But I suspect that you found Jennifer Rush’s music more to your taste.

Ol' Man Keith said...

You are Kee-reckt, CEh! -- on both counts. I am surprised there are so many calling themselves "Rush"!
Jennifer was a happy find for me, as I have little interest in hearing another rock group.
And, anyway, I see they are no longer active.

(Google did not even offer a band as a possibility--not until I persisted by adding "Canadian" to my search.)

"Weck" seems to be fairly provincial. The several definitions I found identify it, as did you, with the town of Buffalo.
But you have managed to hear of it across the border!

It is explained by the good folk of Google as a nickname for "Kimmelweck," itself a corruption of "Kรผmmelweck"--a caraway-seeded version of the "Kaiser roll."
That's the name under which I would know it.

CanadianEh! said...

OMK- I was unfamiliar with Beef on Weck until I had it at a local restaurant. It has migrated across the border.