The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
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They were one ship against a nation's fleet,
Freebooters whose ship was agile and fleet!
A convoy's speed is its slowest vessel.
The freebooters could beat that in a whistle!
They just had to steal a hostage from an admiral.
She proved to be an annoyingly fragile damsel.
She suffered from nerves, from a pelvic complaint,
At any provocation she would swoon and faint!
The plan had been to seek a remote hidden strand
There, until ransomed, the girl they would strand.
When they tried, her secret training was revealed --
A mixed martial artist, she was tops in her field!
She left the crew black and blue, and marooned,
And single-handed sailed off their ship she dragooned!
Can't believe how you worked all those Jumble words into your clever and surprising poem, Owen. Had no problem with this one--only the fourth word took a little thought to solve. And the solution was a delight. I'm sorry that the LA Times puzzle cartooned isn't pictured here, because I had a question about the strange tower with the ladders in the background. Oh, now I get it--it's part of the sketch tied on to the trees that Robin is using to explain how and where they are going to--er, rob. Okay, never mind.
Well, I did have problems with this jumble, especially the fourth clue. Once I got that (with Owen's help), the solution became clear. I kept toggling between this blog and the NOLA jumble site to see both cartoons. Sorry, but I kind of prefer the one I saw on NOLA (and which is the newspaper version as well). Wish I knew what that troll did.
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