The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
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"The best laid schemes gang aft agley"
So wrote Bobbie Burns one day
After he, while plowing up a field
Busted up a nest, which squealed.
A wee Mousie, nestled there,
Was deprived of his winter lair.
Left with nowhere to abide
The freezing snows of winter-tide.
It jogged the sympathy of Burns
To see the home his plow had churned.
And so, within this poet's skull
The words aligned in verses full.
That mice and men are so like,
Their plans so oft will see no light,
What they intend to do this day
Beyond their power, will gang agley.
One thing he sadly failed to relay
Was how the Mousie survived that day.
Rabbit rabbit
'Nuff said...
I really, really like this poem. It's simultaneously Burns and a commentary on Burns. And the meter is almost totally consistent, which I love. And there's the kicker at the end, to round it off. Thanks, Owen.
The jumble was medium for me today. That is, the clues were no problem, but I stared at the letters for the solution quite awhile. I did have the correct first word, but that long one...
Ultimately it came to me, and, as usual, seemed obvious once I had it.
It didn't help that I had SKULK for #1 . I just couldn't get the riddle. So when Owen's FB post said "don't peek"! I peeked.
The second word was ironically the name of another show a lot like "Untouchables" .
Don't look if you're still solving
There was a movie and a long running radio program
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