All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Jan. 16, 2021

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award, strum, canopy, writer, warm and toasty.

Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Ol' Man Keith said...

As an offering in compression
& economy,
today this warm & friendly...

He strums his guitar,
the award-winning writer.
Fame? Mere can-o'-peas...

Ol' Man Keith said...

Owen ~
You do a fine job posting the Jumble despite the change in sources. Many thanks!
I find I am enjoying the lag time between your first black & white version and the colorful follow-up. It actually gives a boost in intensity to the colors when they arrive. Today's campfire scene is especially attractive.

This was another easy solve, one I could guess almost immediately on reading the caption.
I say "almost" because my initial guess was a comparison (with "as" in the middle), but I saw that wouldn't fit the number of available letters. So a quick adjustment brought me to the right idiom.
When I started through the clue words, I found I had a little trouble with #2. Strange, because I used to do it a lot--in my musical youth. My first wife was a fine musician, and she taught me to play the guitar.
I loved the instrument and played for many years but had to give it up as my hands became cramped with the advancing (encroaching?) years.

OwenKL said...

Frazz is known as a songwriter of note,
Writes Western songs whose feelings emote.
He can strum a guitar and act real hammy.
And one of his lyrics was awarded a Grammy!

But he doesn't perform, he just writes with mirth.
His secret identity keeps him down to earth.
Beneath the canopy of Bryson he pushes a broom,
An elementary school where precocious kids bloom.

It's a comic strip that's homey and reads well.
It makes you feel warm and toasty and swell.
Jef Mallett is the awesome cartoonist to praise,
Who carries us back to our better school days.

Misty said...

Lovely poetry to start the day. Ol' Man Keith, I loved your can-o-peas. And Owen, you are such a skilled bard, you should get an award.

Well, if my previous verses haven't been sufficiently sentimental and misty-eyed, wait till you see today's.

Misty said...

"Easy-peasy Romance"

Bonnie her banjo would strum,
but she really longed for a chum.
Then she met a writer
who made her life brighter.
He wrote songs that she played
both at home and on stage.
Then together they starred
and they won an award.
Soon under a canopy
they married so happily.
Now their charm keeps them warm
and mostly very toasty.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Thanks, Owen, for introducing me to Jef Mallett's "Frazz." I was unaware of this brilliant cartoonist's work before reading your bright and well-built poem. The samples I found via Google are really quite funny.
Bravo to both of you!

Ol' Man Keith said...

"Sentimental"? Check.
"Misty-Eyed"? You bet.
But solid & charming as all get-out!
Thanks, Misty, for assuring us once again that all may be right in this world.

BTW, I love how you dared to break out from rhyming into prose in the last line. A neat technique!

Wilbur Charles said...

I echo OMK re. Frazz. I had to LIU, too. Intellectual under the guise of plain and simple. Somebody (CC I think) commented that they buy the newspaper for Prince Valiant. I wanted to buy the Wed TB-Times for Luann.

The Boston Globe had them all. Speaking of... Owen I got several requests for my "Rib Room" ditty. ???? It had The Wizard (of Id) and the Jester

Misty you do spin a homely yarn or two. They always end up happily ever after. Reminds of the detectives IM mentioned today. They always ended up with a dead body. And you rhymed "canopy".

I wrote one last night on paper but haven't transposed to EINK

No problem with the J today. It helps when correct letters are available for riddle-solution.


Sandyanon said...

Owen, started this last night as soon as you posted it. Clues fine, but just could not see the solution, contrary to OMK. Looked at it again this morning, and there it was. Haven't had toast for breakfast in years, though; oatmeal with banana is my gig. There, I would be huddling under a blanket in the tent, hoping a kind family member would bring me something warm.

What could go with that over a campfire? Not bacon, but maybe sausage on a spit?

Trying hard right now to get a phone call through. My senior citizens community of 9000+ just got an initial allotment of 2000 vaccine doses and calling for Mon/Tues appointments started almost an hour ago. Calls mostly won't go through, but sometimes I get a recorded message. Very discouraging.

Wilbur Charles said...

Any similarities to people past and present is mere coincidence.

Not for this boy, humping and treking through a jungle canopy.
Anything but the military and all it entailed: the myriad panoply
Of Army madness. Let others strive for awards of service
He preferred the world of Money and Power. It made him nervous
To think of time wasted when he could be warm and toasty in a high rise suite
Let Arlo write songs and strum his music to the New Age beat


Sandyanon said...

For anyone interested: Updated email notice says our initial allocation of vaccine reduced to 900. And the call system crashed because more than 600 calls came in during the first minute!!! I don't think this is going to go as smoothly as hoped, ho ho.

And I guess I'll stop calling today.

Misty said...

Many thanks for the very kind words, Ol' Man Keith and Wilbur--much appreciated. I liked your canopy/panoply rhyme, Wilbur--very clever.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I rec'd an email from UCI at 5:30 yesterday, Sandy, inviting me to make an appointment on campus for my first shot. I responded right away and made my appointment for next Friday--the first date that was open at the building nearest me.
Today, the LA Times ran a front page story about how the current supply of vaccines may be running out soon. That makes me nervous, of course, wondering if there will be enough left by Friday.

Even with proof of an appointment, it all feels rather shaky. Our campus neighborhood shares emails, and I can read how most of the folk around me are on different lists--some getting earlier appointments, and some unable to get a reliable link to make an appointment. Seems there are multiple, overlapping systems.
Sadly, it all begins with a lack of clear federal guidelines.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty I borrow from the best, eh OMK?

From "Charmides" by Oscar Wilde:

We two will sit upon a throne of pearl,
And a blue wave will be our canopy,
And at our feet the water-snakes will curl
In all their amethystine panoply

Sandyanon said...

OMK, I think you're ahead of the game if you were at least able to make an appointment.

Let us know if it worked out.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Sandy, I waded through many emails till I found the right one. There were several general statements from our campus health offices, saying we could make appointments, and even giving an address to sign up.
When I tried that link it showed "No available times" for appointments. Buried amid a number of other promotional statements about the vaccine, I found the ONLY one that identified itself as my invitation.
It was the one addressed directly to me, not to a batch list. It said I had to use its link--and no other; it was quite specific!--to make my appointment. I was to use my UCI email address when responding.
I guess it had my name on a list actually designated for retired faculty.
It was the only email that linked to a list of available times.
I was surprised that my first choice, an early afternoon prime time, came through. I thought I'd have to try several times.
Once I secured the time, it said I would get a confirmation email that I was to bring with my appointment.
Within two minutes of signing off I rec'd the confirmation.

I am still nervous about it. After all the anxiety expressed by others, this seemed terribly easy--at least so far.
I will let you know how it works out next week.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Loverly, Wilbur!
Absolutely Wildean--quite loverly...