All hints are in the comments!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Jan. 20, 2021

|| || suite, coupe, absorb, purity, outer spacious.
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Their luxury vacation was going very well.
They had a spacious suite at a posh hotel.
Their rental car was a small Toyota coupe,
But driving on the wrong-side threw a loop!

It was refreshing to absorb the foreign air.
In some ways not so strange as their daily fare,
But in most ways, as outre as a foreign place,
As purely alien as a land in outer space!

OwenKL said...

The clues all came pretty easily today, but the final solution was a total stumper. I finally gave up and went to an anagram site for help. Even so, I may have picked the wrong one from the list of 21618 possibilities it gave me. (Only about 12 matched the word and letter count.) I'll find out after 2 am when I work it at one of the online sites that I can grab a color cartoon from.

Ol' Man Keith said...

FLN, Wilbur ~ Some solid late postings from you, my friend, especially your tribute to the Bambino.
All most of us in my generation remember of Ruth was from grainy B&W newsreels of a past-faced fat man huffing & puffing his way around the bases.
I remember as a kid thinking it was lucky those were home runs cuz he'd sure be tagged out running that slow.
You captured the shock and surprise of his final burst of glory. A kind of athletic supernova.

Ol' Man Keith said...

"Past" = "pasty"

Ol' Man Keith said...

"Goodness? Gracious!"
I enjoy Cornish pasties as much as the next bloke.
And I really love The Great British Baking Show,
especially when--Yum!--they do pastries. It's no joke,
seeing how chocolate melts, sugar spins, and cream can flow.

But no matter how they plan in the Beeb's executive suite,
their pastries lack Gallic purity, the elegant delicacy
of that absorbing biennial excursion into choux and inner sweets,
the Coupe du Monde de la pâtisserie.

Misty said...

My apology--but I have no poem this morning. I turned on the television at 7:30 and was totally captivated by the inauguration process. Seeing all of those politicians and their partners and family members in masks coming in, and the whole scene of the capitol with guards and military bands, out in the open, with addresses and songs, was just riveting for me. And I thought Biden's inaugural speech was inspiring and right for this moment in history.

Love seeing Owen's and Ol Man Keith's delightful verses and look forward to Wilbur's, and will check in here throughout the day.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty I'm sure you can identify with sleep issues which I had yesterday. I think I got slipped some real into my decaf. Methinks some joints like to extend their more pricey decaf grains.

Like Owen I couldn't get the riddle-solution. I had SPACIOUS but was left with R U O T and thought I must have it wrong. I'd made such a mess that I forgot the E.

Speaking for Sandy, that "Pun"? left me luke warm.

OMK, nothing like French for rhyming, I'm gonna have to try it. Owen, my first experience with wrong side driving was in Sydney. On R&R my friend had met an Aussie gal who drove(seemingly like a maniac) and I felt fear that I never felt in 'Nam.

Misty I listened on the radio.


Ol' Man Keith said...

A fun poem, Owen. Like Wilbur I respond to the note about driving on the "wrong side." I thought it would be a real challenge, but when I had to do it--on my next to last trip to Britain--I found it a snap. We rented a gear shift car, so I had to master TWO unusual-for-me skills, and I was very happily surprised at how quickly my reflexes adjusted.
In fact, I found that making left turns became even EASIER than back home. I came to believe that all Driver's Ed classes should include several days of training on the opposite side. We should be the first country to breed international drivers!

Misty ~ No need to apologize. I may take tomorrow off myself, or maybe the next day (depending on how inspirational the clue words). I was going to get up early to watch the inauguration, but I just couldn't do it. Fortuately, I set it to record, so I just played it back.
Yes, I liked his speech too. It is definitely the right note to strike. But I doubt it alone can start converting the die-hard Trumpians.
I have one acquaintance from HS days who sticks by the Donald. Nothing can sway him. He is certain Biden stole the election, and no amount of proof will change his mind. Just HOW people can swallow that Koolaid is beyond me.
Of course he is cure that I am the one who's been brainwashed. Normally, when so many people see the light, I expect the rest to come around. But no, not this time.
I try to tell him that skepticism is healthy, but it needs to be based on evidence.
He is CERTAIN we pulled some shenanigans; he just can't put his finger on them.

Ol' Man Keith said...

"cure" = "sure"

Sandyanon said...

How about ice cold?

Misty said...

Thank you for your kind response, Ol' Man Keith, and you're right, we can't be too optimistic about a rejoining of opposite political sides. But let's see if Trump keeps stoking his base, or if he just hangs out at the golf course and lets politics go away. Could make a big difference. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.