All hints are in the comments!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Jan. 23, 2021

|| || logic, usher, splice, hangar, sluggish.

Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


Wilbur Charles said...

Logic,Usher,Splice,Hangar; Sluggish
Orville and Wilbur were country boys, liked to hunt and fish
But with tools in hand and a barn for a hangar they weren't sluggish
About building a flying machine. Some said "It's just not logical,
For man to soar like birds". The boys just kept on welding wood to metal.

And splicing here and jerry rigging there it was time to fly.
And down the runway Orville* sped for it was time to do or die.
And lo, off the ground he soared, though less than a mile was covered.
The boys had done it, the airplane worked and an new era was ushered

*Or was it Wilbur

Wilbur Charles said...

Owen can you delete the above. They've taken that option out of the blog for Android. I didn't mean to reveal the J's and riddle-solution.


I'll repost it. Or you can without the J's.

Wilbur Charles said...

I had trouble with the riddle-solution because I had HARANG for the last word. Apparently it needs "UE" at the end but it is an alternative spelling.

Normally there aren't two words that fit the J


Misty said...

Loved your poem, Wilbur, and especially the way you worked in the Jumble words.
By the way, I too had 'harang' before I corrected it.

Misty said...

"Mick's Ups and Downs"

Mick was quick with logic
and never resorted to trick.
New puzzles he would usher
and end up a jubilant blusher.
Many riddles he would splice,
though there sometimes came a price.
For a while he lived in a hangar
whose owner was a haranguer.
Mick soon felt depressed and sluggish,
and so moved out with his luggage.
Then a wonderful surprise:
he won a huge jackpot prize.
After taking some sound advice
he's back to playing dice,
and his life is again fun and nice.

Ol' Man Keith said...

I was going to take the night off. It's time to take a rest I told myself.
I just thought I'd dabble for my own mild amusement, Then catch up on some missing Zzzs.

But things got out of control.
The clue words triggered a childhood memory of an incident at a matinee at the old Rio theater.
It led to a some weird verses blending realities between the movie and real life.

When I came to the site and saw the rich work of Wilbur & Misty, I saw there was no need for yet another poem.
But after all my labor, we're stuck with one more opus:

The hero's plane had landed. It taxied into its hangar
when an event occurred that should only be seen in dreams.
It defied all reason; it cowed us kids as logic led to anger.
The crowd was shocked all 'round me, to judge by its screams.

What seemed to happen was the giving-way of solid ground,
a purple-ish melting of the Tarmac and the explosion of everything.
Our movie just stopped! First screams, then a minute passed without a sound
until the mass of matinee kids released their fear. They began to sing!

After a time, an usher stepped out; he said the film was burnt,
and as soon as it was spliced we could watch until the end.
He spoke so reassuringly, he was sharing what he'd learned.
We trusted his calm presence; we felt he was our friend.

It never occurred to us he could be one of them, a terrorist,
stepped from the film for this address,
as part of some gruesome jest.

Wilbur Charles said...

Misty I saw "Mick" and thought we had a baseball poem about "The Mick"(Mickey Mantle). Shades of my Ruth poem awhile back. Hangar and Haranguer, good one. But.. If Mick plays the dice in Vegas that windfall might not last long.


Wilbur Charles said...

Ps, The Mick USHERED in the post Dimaggio era of Yankee dynasties. He was hardly sluggish as he could run Home to First in 3.5 seconds.


I see OMK has arrived

Ol' Man Keith said...

You're right, Wilbur.
You picked the right Wright for the first flight.
It was Orville. And it was definitely "less than a mile."
It was a mere 120 feet.

I visited Kitty Hawk once, and I walked the length of the flight, in maybe faster time than the flight itself.
Several daredevils had "flown" before the bros. The 1890s were filled with experimenters. But they were the first to add both an engine and controls, to be able to steer and choose when and where to land.

Wilbur Charles said...

OMK, rinds me if those halycon days when the whole theater full of kids would sing along to "The bouncing ball".

Misty said...

Delightful, crazy poem, Ol' Man Keith--one of your absolute best.

You're right, Wilbur, Mick will soon have to live in the hangar again, but I hate ending poems on a sad note, so decided to stay cheerful.