All hints are in the comments!

Friday, January 8, 2021

Jan. 8, 2021

|| || scout, inept, ensign, regret, "site-seeing".
Image from the Internet.

The opening poem contains all the words (or variations of them) from today's Jumble.
Comments are welcomed! And couching them in Poetry is definitely NOT required.
Do not explicitly reveal any of the actual answer words until after closing time, but embedding them surreptitiously in comment sentences is encouraged.


OwenKL said...

Ensign Plover was a scout for the Seventh Cavalry.
At seeing danger he was as inept as could be.
At Little Big Horn
He would regret he was born
When he told General Custer the site was Indian-free!

Sandyanon said...

I daresay Ensign Plover would have been more 'ept' on a ship. Alas, no ocean near Little Bighorn.

However, that site seems like a good one for a house with a big picture window overlooking the view. Mountains, evergreen trees, only lacks the ocean!!

The solution took me a Little while because I kept trying different four-letter first words. But when I got the right one, well, the rest was obvious. I would give the pun a B-.

Sandyanon said...

(Adopting Owen's scoring system.)

Ol' Man Keith said...

That solution is a solid B minus. Smack in the middle, in red ink.

I think the ocean is on the other side of the cartoon, Sandy. Just off stage left.

Owen ~ Your limerick is positively inspiring. Here's a further adventure:

"Notion Sickness"
Plover fancied the job of cavalry scout
was one he'd like to try out.
But the man was a sight to see,
inept as a buzz-less bee.

He came to regret the idea as bluster,
getting horse-sick & detached from Custer.
"This equine riding motion
ain't like the mighty ocean,
which is where we ensigns really oughta muster!"

Misty said...

Pretty easy Jumble this morning, I agree with you, Sandy.
Of course, if I can get it, I'm always inclined to give it an A.
Tells you more about me than about the Jumble.

Afraid I can't compete with Owen's and Ol' Man Keith's sophisticated Plover, as you'll see in my verse.

Misty said...

"Scott's Recovery"

Sadly, Scott was not a great scout,
which left his commanders in doubt,
leaving Scott often having to pout.

He was simply pretty inept
even when he prepared and prepped.
So, in private, he often wept.

Then his training fell to an ensign
who treated him much like a kin
and soon helped him prizes to win.

So Scott left behind his regret,
enjoyed life and acquired a pet,
and decided to become a vet.

He traveled and enjoyed sight-seeing,
went swimming and took up skiing,
and entered a new era of being.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Misty ~ If any site-seeing newbies chance on our page in their search for Jumble hints, I'd direct them to your verses. Scott the Scout beats young Plover in guiding fresh eyes to the answers!
I was gladdened by his short Bildungsroman, with its typical ups & downs, happy to see he improved in his challenging first career before moving on to greater success as, er, ...a swimming, skiing, traveling vet!

Misty said...

Thank you for your always extremely kind comments on my silly verses, Ol' Man Keith. Being stuck on the Jumble words makes it tough to be graceful and elegant, I'm afraid. But I'll keep trying.

Wilbur Charles said...

I discovered late today that I'd never solved the riddle-solution. And said Solution was there when I finally logged in. Kudos to you Sandy for persevering.

I got lost in all those E's. SITE should have been obvious but I foolishly put it in the second word "SITING"????

I see we had trouble with ENSIGN. I had trouble grok'ing that J. Finally I got it.

I promise to wrap up Ivanhoe. Maybe over the weekend.


Btw, I composed a post and lost it last night.